



  • A person who does things well does not have to toot his own horn ; his abilities will be noticed by others .

    一个认真做事的人并不需要 自我吹嘘,别人 自然会注意到他的能力。

  • He soon toot to drink ( ing ) again .

    不久他又喝 酒来了。

  • On the fat toot toot face has two small dimples .


  • I guess did not know what I toot What do you mean just think a lot of fun pointing to her she laughed I have to grab the baton .

    我估计 嘟嘟也没明白我啥意思,只是觉得指着她很好玩,她大笑起来,非要抢我的棒子。

  • Tactfully toot your own horn by periodically apprising your manager of your successes .

    你应该定期 巧妙 你取得的成绩告诉老板。

  • This game for several hours then they are not interested in a toot .

    这个游戏玩了几个小时,后来 嘟嘟便不感兴趣了。

  • Not that WhatsApp didn 't toot its horn : Every two months the company announced its latest leap in monthly active users usually to the tune of another 50 million .

    但并不是说WhatsApp自己 取得 成就显赫:每两个月该公司就会发布每月的 新增活跃用户数,通常的 增量为5000万。

  • I decided to take this week will go toot my colleagues will participate in cooking activities kids will walk Haohao De crazy about .

    我决定本周带着会走的 嘟嘟会参加同事的野炊活动,让会行走的小朋友好好的疯一下。

  • Toot break off the mouth said : grandmother angry .

    嘟嘟 嘴说:外婆生气了。

  • Toot out the original stools watching TV too close from the screen .

    原来 嘟嘟离开小凳看电视,离屏幕太近了。

  • Tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot .

    一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者 吹笛

  • You are the only person who has the capability to toot your own horn !

    只有你才是有能力 吹响你自己喇叭的人!

  • Toot on her house to go to Shanghai .


  • The waiting taxi gave a toot on its horn .

    等待着的出租车发出了 嘟嘟的喇叭声。

  • World class and grandmother report good news for us toot really gone .

    天下班,外婆报告我们好消息, 嘟嘟真的会走了。

  • Apical positioning and root canal measurement are the key to the success of the toot canal treatment .

    根尖定位和根管长度测量是 管治疗术是否能够成功的关键。

  • Methods use root tube drainage or toot tube treating after opening a window in apical labium conservative treatment on apical cyst use the root tube filling agent suitable filling .

    方法采用根管引流或 根尖部唇侧开窗引流后根管充填剂适当超填方法保守治疗根尖囊肿。

  • A man behind her tooted angrily .

    她后面的一名男子愤怒地 汽车 喇叭

  • NUE were correlated with root dry weight root length toot surface area leaf NRA net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) stoma resistance ( Sr ) etc.

    素效率的高低与品种根重、根长、 表面积、叶片NRA、净光合速率、气孔导度等都有一定的相关性。

  • She deposited her luggage at my toot .


  • Grandmother in the kitchen cooking sitting on the kitchen stools watch cartoons toot my grandfather in a small study in the Internet and pretty soon toot grandfather went around the happy face .

    外婆在厨房做饭, 嘟嘟坐在厨房小凳上看动画片,外公在小书房里上网,不一会儿,嘟嘟跑到外公身边,满脸的不高兴。

  • Toot Your Own Horn & Loudly !


  • When robots are equipped with appropriate sensors they will become a more flexible production toot .

    安装适当的 感知器,可以使机器人的工作 性质更具有弹性。

  • Toot continuously ; as of a car horn .

    不断的 发出 嘟嘟 声音;比如汽车的喇叭。

  • After listening to my grandfather 's words just listen to toot said : grandparents are angry toot no food and no one to toot a bath .

    听了外公的话,只听 嘟嘟说道:外公、外婆都生气了,嘟嘟没有饭吃了,也没有人给嘟嘟洗澡了。

  • The food is stored during the winter in a swollen underground toot or stem . Asiatic plant cultivated for its swollen root crown and edible foliage .

    越冬时在膨大的地下 或茎中储藏 大量的营养。亚洲的一种植物,其膨大的根茎和可食的叶片 可做 蔬菜用。

  • So I 'm happy to have a day to toot my own horn .

    所以,我很高兴有一天能 自吹自擂

  • Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic

    骑车人危险地在车流中 飞速穿行时,汽车喇叭的 嘟嘟 声响成一片。

  • One who does things well does not have to toot his own horn .

    把事情干得好的人 无须 自我 夸耀