top-level design

[ˈtɑpˈlɛvəl dɪˈzaɪn][ˈtɔpˈlevəl diˈzain]

[计] 顶层设计

  • The top-level design of micro turbine jet-engine is presented in the paper .

    对微型涡轮喷气发动机的 顶层 设计问题进行了研究。

  • These modules to build the project file the module uses the HDL text input mode the top-level design entry using the schematic diagram of the input generated bsf file .

    用这些模块构建工程文件,模块采用HDL文本输入方式, 顶层 设计输入采用原理图的输入方式生成bsf文件。

  • Set up the principles of scientific norm systemic development improve the top-level design innovate development ways deepen the theoretical research construction and transform strengthen the construction of personnel team .

    为此,学科发展主体要树立科学性、规范化和系统性发展原则,完善学科 顶层 设计,创新学科发展方式方法,强化理论研究、建构和转化,加强人才师资队伍建设。

  • After top-level design the specific implementation structures are described in detail for functional parts : user / stream adaptation receive antenna adaptation and seletion and closed-loop power control mechanism .

    总体 设计完成之后,论文详细说明了码流自适应、接收天线自适应、接收天线选择以及收发联合闭环功控机制的实现结构。

  • Namely : apply institutional thinking to the top-level design process and link of ideological and political education .

    即:用制度思维进行思想政治教育的 顶层 设计,用制度思维贯穿思想政治教育的过程,用制度思维贯穿思想政治教育的环节。

  • Promoting scientific management of local government debt should start with the six factors to enhance each elementary task of debt management . Third strengthening top-level design and creating a favorable external environment for scientific management of local government debt .

    推进地方政府债务科学化管理要从这六个要素入手,切实加强债务管理各项基础工作。三是加强 顶层 设计,创建有利于地方政府性债务科学化管理的外部环境。

  • As the top-level design and blueprint of system construction architecture plays a key role in the comprehensive integration .

    体系结构作为系统建设的 顶层 设计和建设蓝图,对系统的综合集成起着关键性的作用。

  • Preliminary Exploration of Top-level Department Store Design : Taking Qingdao Hisense Plaza as Example

    顶级百货店 设计研究&以青岛海信广场为例

  • City inspectors at this stage to really solve the social problems caused it must be from the perspective of top-level design to redesign its system to truly meet the development needs of an increasingly pluralistic society .

    要真正解决现阶段城管执法所引发的社会问题,就必须从 顶层 设计的角度对其体制进行重新设计,以真正适应日益多元的社会发展需求。

  • This policy which was summarized from practice and was recognized by the top-level design namely the senior policymakers once being introduced into practice has shown its strong vitality and vigor .

    这项源于实践,又被 顶层 设计认可的制度一经推出,便显示了其强大的生命力和活力。

  • Development teams build requirements documents top-level design documents and detailed design documents before constructing any source files or executables .

    开发团队在建立任何源文件或可执行文件之前先建立需求文档、 顶层 设计文档以及详细设计文档。

  • We must use the top-level design in the whole process .

    寻求 路径 突破的过程中要始终运用 顶层 设计 理念

  • On the Top-level Design of the Digital City

    数字城市 顶层 设计

  • The PCI top-level block design is first presented in terms of the bus interface controller .

    在分析PCI总线接口控制器基本功能的基础上,给出其 顶层 设计

  • Now present situation in our province is coexistence of sorts of database system and monopoly of one database system for one business short of unified planning and top-level design .

    陕西省目前气象资料的存储现状是多种数据库系统并存,一种业务独占一个数据库,缺少统一规划和 顶层 设计进一步 开发 维护比较 困难

  • The key point of top-level design lies in the core belief and objectives of top-level .

    顶层 设计的关键在于顶层核心理念和顶层目标。

  • Method of fuzzy quality function deployment in aircraft top-level design

    飞机 顶层 设计中的模糊质量功能配置方法

  • In my opinion combining the bottom line and the top-level design effectively is the basic foothold to further improve the power operation of the three-level curriculum management .

    论文认为,底线共识和 顶层 设计的有效结合,是三级课程管理权力运作进一步改善的基本立足点。

  • Review on the Concepts and the Development of Situation Awareness and the Top-level Design of the Micro-nano Bionic Situation System

    态势感知的概念与发展综述及微纳仿生态势感知系统的 顶层 设计

  • Pays special attention to the education emphasizes the top-level design the realization of the overall design optimization .

    强调抓好教育 顶层 设计,实现总体设计优化。

  • Function and Practice of Top-Level Design on Establishing Representative Center of Biology Experimental Teaching

    顶层 设计在基础生物学实验教学示范中心建设中的作用与实践

  • It can create the bitstreams of the whole circuit and the dynamic partial reconfiguration by the top-level design synthesis modules synthesis initial budgeting active module implementation and final assembly .

    经过 顶层 设计综合、模块设计综合、初始预算、模块实现和最终编译等一系列的操作,产生整个电路功能和动态可重构部分的可下载文件。

  • The research on information systems security architecture ( ISSA ) will help to hold the top-level design for information system security according to the relationship between the whole and its parts and to play a role of dominating and constraining the secure development of information systems .

    信息系统安全体系结构理论与技术的研究有助于从整体与部分相结合的关系上把握信息系统安全的 顶层 设计,有助于发挥安全体系结构在信息系统安全开发中的主导和约束作用。

  • Top-level design has the features of top-level decision entirety and relevance top-level simplicity substance and function consistency .

    顶层 设计具有顶层决定性、整体关联性、顶层简明性和体用一致性等特征。

  • A top-level design should be conducted and improved guarantee a clear channel for the citizens ' interest expression in public policies .

    制定和完善公共政策中公民利益表达的 顶层 设计,畅通群众利益表达渠道。

  • We must have good top-level design unified infrastructure of the information security and increased research of the information security technique which provides evidence for the construction of application information system and achieves synchronized development of information security and military informatization .

    只有做好 顶层 设计,统一规定信息安全的框架体系,加大信息安全技术的研究力度,才能为各种应用信息系统的建设提供依据,实现信息安全建设与军队信息化建设的同步发展。

  • On the Standardization of Top-Level Framwork Design for Records Mamagement Metadata

    论电子文件管理元数据 顶层框架 设计的标准化

  • Fundamental Ideology of Top-Level Design in China 's Basic Educational Curriculum Reform

    我国基础教育课程改革 顶层 设计的基本思想

  • System uses top-level design concept and corresponding standard divide system function module .

    系统采用 顶层 设计的理念以及相应的标准规范对系统进行了模块化的设计。