top node

[tɑp nod][tɔp nəud]


  • In the web test editor right-click the top node of your web test and then click add data source .

    在“web测试编辑器”中,右击web测试的 顶级 节点,然后单击“添加数据源”。

  • Provides an indication of which is the top level node for a structured message / business document schema .

    用来指示结构化消息/业务文档架构的 顶层 节点

  • The system is divided into three main entities : the top analysis and dispatch center the regional coordination control center and the detection node .

    系统从功能上划分为三种主要实体: 顶级调度分析中心、区域协调控制中心和检测 节点

  • The push () method observes the current top node constructs a new node to be pushed on the stack and then if the topmost node has not changed since the initial observation installs the new node .

    push()方法观察当前最 节点,构建一个新节点放在堆栈上,然后,如果最顶端的节点在初始观察之后没有变化,那么就安装新节点。

  • Notice that the root org node uses two object classes : top and domain .

    注意,org根 节点使用两个对象类: top和domain。

  • Starting at the top of the hierarchy you would choose a specific node that represents a container object such as a region or a branch that contains a subset of all your database data .

    从层次结构的 顶层开始,您要选择一个指定 节点来表示一个容器对象,如区域或部门,其中包含的是您数据库中所有数据的一个子集。

  • This framework is hierarchical and there are 4 layers in total . The top first layer is system terminal service management layer below which are executing node terminal services management layer and TPU management layer in sequence .

    这种服务及设备管理框架采用分层结构,最 上层为全局终端服务管理层,其下依次为服务执行管理层和 终端呈现管理层。

  • This cluster has a label at the top location and contains the node known as jhuapl.edu_icon .

    这个聚类在 顶部位置具有一个标签并包含了已知的jhuapl.eduicon 节点

  • Scene layer tree was synchronously created with module admitting method of scene in turn the top of scene layer tree is scene database root admitting model of scene was formed as node in root directory and conjunction between model and node was set up .

    交互采用场景中模型导入法同时生成场景层次树,场景树 顶端是场景数据库根,场景中导入的模型在根目录下生成为 节点,并建立模型与节点的关联。

  • The architecture overlay is built on top of the Tapestry infrastructure . The service layers are expanded on the server node to expand the traditional single-server mode to multiserver mode .

    服务网络以 Tapestry架构为基础,通过扩展 节点服务层次,把瘦客户计算中传统的单服务器模式扩展为多服务器模式。

  • At the top of the panel verify that Server Settings is expanded and that both Cell Settings and Node Settings are not .

    在面板的 顶部,确保服务器设置已经展开而单元设置和 节点设置都没有展开。

  • A two-layer parallel optical interconnection network has been designed . The top layer was a star network which was made up of digital routing nod node computer and optical network interface cards .

    在设计的双层光互连网络中, 上层网络是星型连接,依靠数字路由 结点进行通信。

  • The top layer was a star network which was made up of a digital routing node and optical network interface cards and the bottom layer was ring networks which were made up of optical network interface cards .

    顶层为数字路由 结点和光网络接口卡组成的星型网,底层为光网络接口卡连接而成的环形网。

  • The show function then puts the top DOM node of the widget ( this . domNode ) into the window shows it and finally gets the place statistics .

    然后show函数将小部件 顶部的DOM 节点(this.domNode)放到窗口中,展示它,最后获取场所统计信息。

  • Mtop a cluster-aware variant of top also displays each and every process but with the additional information of the node in which the process is running .

    mtop是支持集群的 top的变体,也会显示每个进程,而且会给出运行那个进程的 节点的附加信息。

  • Find the top join node in a query plan .

    查找一个查询计划中的 顶级连接 节点

  • Next you invoke CAS and copy the new node to the top location .

    接下来,调用CAS内置函数,把新的 节点复制到 top位置。

  • At that time zip / root will zip / up to the top of the tree applying any changes along the way and return the root node .

    此时,zip/root将zip/up至树 顶端,在此过程中应用所有更改,并返回根 节点

  • You must be sure that if you 're doing a right rotation the top node has a left child .

    必须要确保,如果做右旋, 顶端 节点必须有一个左子 节点