topology structure

[təˈpɑlədʒi ˈstrʌktʃɚ][təˈpɔlədʒi ˈstrʌktʃə]

[计] 拓扑结构,布局结构

  • The algorithm took transmission time vector between nodes as input and a model was established by KLPP which can reflect partial information network topology structure .

    该算法以节点间的传输时间向量为输入,借助能够体现网络 拓扑 结构局部信息的核局部保持映射进行建模。

  • Test result has proved feasibility of circuit topology structure and controlling scheme and shown correctness of system parameters .

    试验结果验证了电路 拓扑 结构及控制方案的可行性,也说明了系统参数设计方法的正确性。

  • Risk Assessment of Information System Based on the Topology Structure of Assets ′ Connections

    资产关联 拓扑 结构的信息系统安全评估模型

  • The protocol frame and the network topology structure of this technology is analyzed .

    分析了该技术的协议构架和网络 拓扑 结构

  • Modeling Topology Structure of Space-Based Information Systems

    天基信息系统 网络 拓扑 结构建模方法研究

  • The relationship between the topology structure and its performance in the multi-hop wireless networks was studied .

    研究了多跳无线网中网络性能与网络 拓扑 结构关系的问题。

  • The topology structure and mathematical model of the diode-clamped three-level inverter is researched in this thesis firstly .

    本文首先研究二极管箝位型三电平逆变器的 拓扑 结构和数学模型。

  • A modified radial-edge topology structure is proposed expresses manifold and non-manifold shapes of both linear surfaces and parametric surfaces in the unified way .

    给出了改进的辐射边 拓扑数据 结构,统一表示线性网格曲面和参数曲面以及流形和非流形形体。

  • Network system model mainly consists of topology structure model and network protocol model .

    网络系统模型主要由 拓扑 结构模型和网络的协议模型两个部分组成。

  • The topology structure defined in linux_linsched . h defines the number of processors and how they relate to one another ( mapping to a physical package and node distance map ) .

    linuxlinsched.h中定义的 拓扑 结构定义了处理器的数量以及它们如何相互关联(映射到物理包和节点分布图)。

  • This dissertation analyzes scale-free characteristics in supply chain network structure based on supply chain system network topology structure .

    基于供应链系统的网络化 拓扑 结构,本文研究了供应链网络结构中无标度特性。

  • Impact on Streaming Media Performance Based on Network Coding by Topology Structure

    拓扑 构造对基于网络编码的流媒体性能影响

  • This thesis presents a layered mathematical model in network topology for accurately reflect the network topology structure .

    以自治系统为对象,本文对网络 拓扑 自动 探测 技术进行了研究,取得了以下几个方面的成果:1.提出了一种分层的网络拓扑数学模型,用于准确地反映 网络 拓扑 结构

  • According to the characters of mid-voltage distribution system the adjacency list of data structure is introduced to save its topology structure .

    根据中压配电网的结构特点引入数据结构中邻接表来保存配电网 拓扑 结构

  • Test results show the algorithm can discover the network topology structure .

    测试结果表明,该算法能获得较真实的网络 拓扑 结构

  • Based on the modularity design and starting from the whole function of packaging machine topology structure is designed and ideal automatic packaging machine model can be obtained .

    提出了一种新型的研究方法,以模块化设计为基础,从包装机整体功能出发,对其进行 拓扑 结构设计,得到理想的自动包装机模型。

  • According to the low efficiency and large consumption of P2P search software a network topology structure based on physical location is presented combined with subnet mask technology .

    并以省级财政管理信息化系统为例,详细叙述了网络系统的规划、网络 拓扑 结构及软件开发中应用的新技术。

  • To discover heterogeneous network topology structure a bottom-to-top discovery algorithm is proposed .

    为发现异构网络 拓扑 结构,提出一种自底向上的拓扑发现算法。

  • Evolutionary strategies and topology structure is two important branch of the PSO research .

    进化策略和 拓扑 结构是粒子群优化算法研究的两个重要分支。

  • As an example a three-segment bus frame is optimized with a reasonable topology structure of frame obtained .

    并以某三段式客车车架为研究对象进行了多刚度拓扑优化,得到了合理的车架 拓扑 结构

  • Research on the Generation Algorithm of National Telecommunication Infrastructure Network Topology Structure Model in Society Simulations

    国家通信基础设施网络 拓扑 结构模型生成算法研究

  • Stability analysis of swarms with a communication sub-topology Modeling Topology Structure of Space-Based Information Systems

    具有子通信 拓扑 结构的群集模型的建立天基信息系统 网络 拓扑 结构建模方法研究

  • A synthesized control scheme between PID controller and repetitive controller in serial topology structure is presented .

    提出了一种采用PID控制器和重复控制器串联 拓扑 结构的单相逆变器复合控制方案。

  • Following the development of the computer and the semiconductor technology embedded control system has revolutionary changed and is changing the control mode net topology structure control strategy of the traditional dcs .

    摘要随着计算机技术和半导体技术的发展,嵌入式拉制系统已经和正在改变着传统的集散控制系统的拉制模式、网络 拓扑 结构、控制策略。

  • Improved mechanism of unstructured P2P network topology structure

    非结构化P2P网络 拓扑 结构的改进机制

  • Using route option and TTL field of IP protocol have implemented network topology structure detection .

    利用IP协议路由选项和TTL字段,进行了探测网络 拓扑 结构的实践。

  • Networks on Chip Based on Diagonal Interlinked Mesh Topology Structure

    基于对角互连网格 拓扑 结构的片上网络

  • Topology Structure of Object Network Reproduced by Adjacency Matrix

    运用邻接矩阵法重现目标网络 拓扑 结构

  • The structure the function and the selection of topology structure of fire wall system are discussed .

    探讨了防火墙系统的结构以及防火墙系统功能、 拓扑 结构的选择。

  • Characteristics of a Kind of Variable Topology Structure Parallel Mechanisms

    颅骨 纤维性 结构 不良 4-TPT 与其拓扑 结构并联机构的特性