top level domain

[tɑp ˈlɛvəl doˈmen][tɔp ˈlevl dəuˈmein]

[计] 顶层域名

  • The top level of the model included one decision-maker who regarded the maximum profits of per unit output in the group domain as the global object ;

    模型 上层由一个中心决策者组成,以集团单位产出利润最大为决策目标;

  • This technique has the added advantage of still having global services defined in a common top level domain .

    这种技术还会带来额外的好处,它仍然拥有在一般的 顶级 中所定义的全局服务。

  • As you can probably guess . eu is a new top level domain designed for use by residents and businesses in EU member states .

    如同您能大概猜测,eu是一个新 高级 领域被设计供居民和企业使用在欧共体会员国。