top-down development

[ˈtɑpˈdaʊn dɪˈvɛləpmənt][ˈtɔpdaun diˈveləpmənt]


  • It is necessary to take a top-down approach to promote the emergence and development of the organization of elderly care services in rural communities .

    采取 自上而下的方式推动老年照顾服务组织的产生和 发展

  • The top-down design flow by EDA technology substitute for the bottom-up design flow which shorts the development period reduce the development cost and speed the development of IC .

    EDA技术采用的 自顶向下设计流程代替了原有的自下而上设计流程,缩短了集成电路的 开发周期,节省了开发费用,促进了集成电路的发展。

  • The union deputy class can provide the same behaviors for several source classes which is different from the traditional top-down development methodology in the OOP model .

    联合型代理类能够同时为多个源类 扩展相同的行为,改善了OOP模型中只能 自上而下 特化 开发模式。

  • You can create WSDL files yourself and generate a skeleton of your service from the WSDL files then write application code in the skeleton ; this is known as top-down development .

    您可以自己创建WSDL文件,也可以从WSDL文件生成您的服务的骨架,然后在这个骨架中编写应用程序代码;这称为 自顶向下 开发

  • It not only effectively supports the top-down combine product design but manufacturing design and assembling design related to main model as well so as to shorten the period of product development .

    它可有效支持 自顶向下的并行产品设计以及与主模型相关的可制造性设计和可装配性设计,以缩短产品 开发周期。

  • This Paper presents Top-Down design method for digital system according to VHDL . and design a digital system at MAX + plus ⅱ under the development integrated environment .

    介绍 EDA技术中用VHDL编程设计数字系统的 自顶向下的方法,并结合一个设计实例,在MAX+plusⅡ 开发集成环境下进行设计。

  • Support for top-down meet-in-the-middle and bottom-up development .

    支持 自顶向下、中间相遇和自底向上的 开发

  • At present our mode of the technology innovation achievements is based to top-down its ration of practical conversion is lower and in serious restricts the development of technology and economy .

    而目前我国基本以 自上而下模式进行的技术创新的成果实用转化率比较低,这严重制约着我国科技经济的 发展

  • Web services can be created using two approaches : top-down development and bottom-up development .

    Web服务可以通过两种方法来生成: 自顶向下 开发和自底向上的开发。

  • In addition to supporting a top-down model-driven approach the solution approach enables a bottom-up approach for the development of new services .

    除了支持 自顶向下的模型驱动方法之外,此解决方案方法还允许采用自底向上方法来 开发新的服务。

  • Top-down design in the development of compressor cleaner

    压缩机清洗设备 自顶向下的设计方法

  • The article previously described both the top-down and bottom-up scenarios which primarily focus on green-field development .

    本文已经介绍了 自上而下和自下而上式场景,它们主要侧重于全新的 开发

  • This paper presents a top-down design method in the development of automobile dash board assembly by using Pro / Engineer with its characteristics of full associated and feature-based parametric modeling which distinctly improves the efficiency .

    本文利用Pro/Engineer的全相关性、基于特征的参数化建模特点,以及 自上而下的设计模式,对汽车仪表进行 设计,提高了设计效率。

  • And this top-down reforms undertaken by the rulers made an unprecedented impact on the development of China 's modern science and technology .

    这场由统治者 自上而下推行的变革,对中国近代科学技术的 发展产生了前所未有的影响。

  • The development and the basic characteristics of the EDA technology are described in the paper . The design flow of digital logic circuit based on EDA tools TOP-DOWN designing method and hardware descriptive language is also stated in it .

    介绍了EDA技术的 发展、基本特征,阐述了利用EDA工具进行数字逻辑电路的设计流程、 TOP-DOWN设计方法、硬件描述语言。

  • Therefore the top-down development pattern starts by identifying or developing XML schema relevant to the domain of the Web service and then creating a WSDL for the Web service .

    因此, 自顶向下 开发模式从标识或开发与Web服务领域相关的XML模式开始,然后为该Web服务创建一个WSDL文档。

  • The article also summarizes that in the region development theory there are top-down development strategy from bottom to top development strategy growth pole strategy and rural urbanization strategy and carries on the simple introduction and the narration of these kinds of theories ' developing processes .

    本文还对区域发展理论中 自上而下 发展战略、自下而上的发展战略、增长极战略和农村城镇化战略等区域发展理论的产生及发展过程进行了评介。

  • Next continue the top-down development approach by beginning to implement the mediation flow component by creating a new implementation .

    接下来,继续进行 自上而下 开发方式,通过创建一个新的实现来开始实现中介流组件。

  • Model-based FPGA logic design is a top-down rapid prototyping method which not only lowers the threshold for FPGA design but also shortens the development cycle and improves design efficiency .

    模型化设计是一种 自顶向下的面向FPGA的快速原型验证法,它不仅降低了FPGA设计门槛,而且缩短了 开发周期,提高了设计效率。

  • In other words the virtues necessary for human flourishing are not a result of the top-down application of abstract ethical principles but the development of good character in everyday life .

    换句话说,人类繁荣所需要的美德不是抽象的伦理原则 自上而下的应用结果,相反,是日常生活中良好行为 发展的结果。

  • In top-down development both client-side and server-side developers use WSDL ( the top ) to produce the artifacts ( the bottom ) necessary for their respective environments .

    自顶向下 开发过程中,客户端和服务器端的开发人员使用WSDL(“顶部”)为各自的环境生成必要的构件(“底部”)。

  • Top-down development in which Web Service implementation Java ™ classes are generated from a WSDL .

    使用 自上而下 开发方式从一个WSDL生成Web服务Java™实现类。

  • Subsequently the various provinces actively cooperate with the top-down implement preferential policies to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises actively optimize the industrial structure improve the functions of government services to create a harmonious economic and social environment for the development of SMEs .

    随后,各个省市自治区积极配合, 自上而下贯彻有关支持中小企业 发展的优惠政策,积极优化产业结构,完善政府服务职能,为中小企业的发展创造和谐的经济社会环境。