tool angle

[tul ˈæŋɡəl][tu:l ˈæŋɡl]


  • The tool point angle ( TPA ) is formed by the two lips and is chosen based on the properties of the material to be cut .

    两条钻唇形成 顶角,并根据被钻削材料的性能来选取其 大小

  • The traditional method of processing is difficult to control the temperature humidity and the tool angle of the geometry . However molecular dynamics can be effectively control some of the factors which affects the machining accuracy thereby obtaining the ideal machining surface quality .

    还有传统的加工方法很难控制温度、湿度和 刀具的几何 角度等因素,而分子动力学可以有效地控制一些影响加工精度的因素,从而得到理想的加工表面质量。

  • The influence of cutting process parameters on the depth of distorted layer of crystal lattice is analysed by experiment . The cutting velocity ( V ) cutting tool rake angle (γ) . relief angle (α) and cutting frequency are considered key factors .

    通过实验分析切削工艺参数对工件加工表面晶格歪扭深度的影响表明,切削速度V、 刀具γ、 刀具后角α以及切削次数是影响工件加工表面晶格歪扭层深度的主要因素。

  • The FE model was firstly verified by the comparison of cutting force with the test data . Then the effects of cutting thickness and tool rake angle on serrated chip morphology were analyzed .

    首先通过切削力的比较验证了所建模型的可靠性,然后计算分析了切削厚度和 刀具对锯齿状切屑形态的影响。

  • The main function of the inclinometer is to measure the angle of inclination 、 azimuth and tool face angle .

    随钻测斜仪的主要作用是完成井斜角、方位角、 工具等参数的测量。

  • Based on the cutting theory the range of tool angle can be selected by finite element simulation .

    在切削理论的基础上,对不同 角度 参数 刀具进行有限元仿真,确定合适的 刀具 角度范围。

  • Discussion on Calculation of Tool Face Angle in Gyrocompass Measuring Angle

    陀螺罗盘定向测量中 工具计算方法探讨

  • The value of tool wear in ultrasonic vibration cutting of different work-piece has been tested and compared with the experimental results in conventional cutting ; Also the influence of tool rake angle and tool nose radius on machined surface roughness in ultrasonic vibration cutting has been researched .

    实测了超声波振动切削不同工件材料时的刀具磨损值,并与普通切削试验结果进行了对比;同时研究了超声振动切削时 刀具和刀尖圆弧半径对切削表面粗糙度的影响。

  • Continuous inclinometer is one of the tri-freedom device which is used on continuous measurement of well parameters including rake angle azimuth angle and tool angle .

    连续测 是一种三自由度定位装置,主要用于井身参数连续测量。

  • The research result in the paper shows that accurate tool face angle can still be obtained under this circumstance .

    研究表明,即使在这种情况下,完全可以求得准确的 工具

  • Based on the former researches the elastic-plastic finite element model using a general-purpose finite element computer code is developed in this paper to investigate the effect of the tool rake angle on the chip and the machined workpiece during the orthogonal cutting process .

    论文为了研究 刀具不同的切削 角度对工件切削加工过程的影响,分别对不同切削角度的有限元模型进行了计算分析。

  • After changing the tool rest angle fasten screws .

    搬动 刀架 角度后,必须紧固好螺丝。

  • The distribution of chip thickness along the cutting edge is modeled as a function of tool inclination angle nose radius depth of cut and feed rate .

    沿切削刃切屑厚度的分布,被作为 刀具倾角、刀尖圆弧半径、切削深度和进给量的函数被建模。

  • It is found in the experiment that tool rake angle is the most remarkable factor influencing on the chip deformation and cutting force during cutting pure iron .

    试验发现, 刀具是影响纯铁切屑变形和切削力的主要因素,且影响非常显著。

  • Wear in major flank of drill bits was measured and observed with SEM to research types and processes of tool wear and to analyze influences of tool material tool angle and cooling ( condition ) on tool wear .

    通过主后刀面的磨损测试和电镜观察,考察ZrO2/CePO4钻削中的刀具磨损形态、过程以及刀具材料、 刀具 角度、冷却条件对刀具磨损的影响。

  • The calculation formula of the accurate tool face angle is presented . The formula was also simplified and the error analysis of the simplified formula was carried out . The analysis result shows that the error is allowable .

    给出了计算 工具的准确公式,还对该公式做了进一步简化,并对简化公式进行了误差分析。

  • Effect of tool tilt angle on formation and mechanical property of FSW


  • Every cutter contact point on the initial tool path has the minimum tool attitude angle rate changes which can ensure the generated tool path is smooth .

    初始轨迹上的每一个刀具切触点都是使 刀具姿态 变化率最小的点,可以保证得到的初始刀具轨迹是最光滑的。

  • Tool Angle Change During Machining with Swing Tool Carrier

    摆动式刀架加工过程中 刀具 角度的变化

  • Analyzing the elements relations among tangential force Fx normal force Fy and cutting thickness cutting tool angle cutter meterial and cutting tool wear etc.

    分析切向力Fx和法向力Fy与切削厚度、 刀具 角度、刀具材料及刀具磨损等因素之间的关系。

  • From tool rational angle discussion lithograph manufacture technology and intermediary material characteristic ;

    工具理性的 角度探讨石版画的制作技术和媒材特性;

  • The effects of cutting parameters the tool rake angle cutting thickness and speed for bamboo on cutting forces are studied on this paper .

    研究了竹材切削不同 刀具、切削量与切削速度对切削力的影响。

  • Development of new-type tool face angle sensor

    一种新型 工具传感器的研制

  • Research : The Analysis Frame of Public Science Technology Policy Based On the Policy Tool Angle of View Chapter 7 constructs a model of sustainable development in which model the technology diffusion affe

    基于政策 工具 视角的公共科技政策分析框架研究第八章是在第七章的宏观经济模型基础上提出应用性的政策分析框架,指出在外部性的作用下,我们需要进行技术激励

  • The effect of tool rake angle on the geometric shapes of the chip cutting force and cutting temperature is investigated .

    分析了 刀具对切屑几何形状、切削力和切削温度的影响。

  • A new approach to 3D direction well track design & the constant tool surface angle method

    三维定向井轨道设计新方法&恒 装置

  • Application of Optimized Method in Selection of Cutting - tool Angle

    优选法在选择 刀具 角度中的运用

  • The paper also discusses the effects of the cutting speed feed and tool rake angle on the process of chip deformation in turning titanium alloys .

    此外,本文还就切削速度、进给量和 刀具对钛合金车削过程中变形的影响,作了实验分析。

  • A cutting speed model and a tool working angle model were used to analyze the effects of cutting speed and working angle variations on machining quality and tool lifetime during noncircular turning .

    为了分析非圆车削过程中切削速度和刀具工作角度变化对工件加工质量和刀具使用寿命的影响,建立了非圆车削切削速度和 刀具工作 角度的数学模型。

  • The results show that the effects on surface roughness are feed speed depth of cutting tool rake angle and parts hardness in turn .

    结果表明:工件进给速度对表面粗糙度的影响最大,切削深度和 刀具次之,工件硬度影响最小。