Toluidine Red


  • Basophil degranulation test ( indirect method )( toluidine blue stain and neutral red stain ) by using the model of experimental anaphylactic shock of guinea - pig was repeated similarly according to the literature published in recent time .

    本文借助豚鼠过敏性休克模型的复制,重复了某些文献利用嗜碱性粒细胞脱颗粒试验(间接法)( 甲苯胺蓝染色;中性 染色)对过敏性休克的诊断。

  • Histological observation : the preparation of conventional paraffin sections to carry out . HE stains . Annona Red O / Fast Green staining von Cusa staining toluidine blue stain Sirius Red staining . 5 .

    组织学观察:常规制备石蜡切片,进行.HE染色、番红O/固绿染色、冯库萨染色、 甲苯胺蓝染色、天狼 猩红染色。

  • Study on Toluidine Red Unheated Serum Test ( TRUST ) for Syphilis

    梅毒诊断用 甲苯 不加热血清试验(TRUST)的研究