


  • Totemism in Tujia and Miao Nationalities in West Hubei and Hunan and Culture of Physical Education

    湘鄂西土家族、苗族 图腾 崇拜与体育文化

  • Dragon Totemism Harmony of Chinese Peoples

    图腾 崇拜与中华民族的融合

  • Cows are treated as Five Cereals God for totemism which has strong reproductivity . Thus cows are looked upon as a token to bring humans a bumper grain harvest and propitious portent .

    牛还作为 图腾 崇拜的五 谷神,具有很强的繁殖能力,因此牛被看作能带来五谷丰登和瑞兆的财富的象征。

  • Totemism is the ideological superstructure of society and both of them are interrelated and interact .

    图腾 文化 作为 氏族社会的思想上层建筑,两者相互联系,相互作用。

  • Topic vicissitudes of love novel of female immortal had experienced three periods before Tang dynasty : from period of genital totemism of matrilineal society to period of love life and to period of love viewpoint of centered sex .

    唐前女仙爱情小说的主题演变经历了三个阶段:母系社会生殖 图腾时期,两情相悦的情爱时期, 六朝以性爱为主题的世俗化爱情观时期。

  • The formulation of witch culture in Yi district is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor nature totemism and efficacious things .

    彝族地区巫文化的产生,与以祖先 崇拜核心自然 崇拜图腾崇拜和 灵物 崇拜为一体的彝族民间原始信仰不可 分割

  • Totemism existed in ancient times Bimo produced in the period of matriarchal commune mature in the patriarchal clan commune period .

    图腾 崇拜是在远古时期就存在,而毕摩产生于母系氏族公社时期,成熟于父系氏族公社时期。

  • Man-made jewelry design is the activities of the United States and decoration from the primitive society to modern society Totemism Choi Po-type gold and silver jewelry has undergone thousands of years during the history of sedimentation .

    首饰设计是人造美饰的活动,从原始社会的 图腾 崇拜到现代社会金银彩宝类首饰,期间经历了上万年的历史沉淀。

  • As a culture of religion totemism has an important influence on the maintenance and development of clan society .

    在氏族社会 形成 早期图腾 产生与氏族社会 形成有着 密不可分 关系图腾作为一种宗教文化亦对氏族社会的维持和发展产生重要的影响。

  • Totemism Indicates the Starting Point of Human Civilization

    图腾 是人类文明的起点

  • Many images reflected the versatility of birth worship interlaced with totemism ;

    多幅桌子山岩 图像反映了与 图腾崇拜交织在一起的 生殖 崇拜的多样性;

  • The Evolution of Pig Totem Myth and the Variation of Totemism Concept

    猪图腾神话的演变与 图腾 崇拜观念的变异

  • Though the great majority of ancestor myth of the Mongols and the Manchu are the fairy tales about one of tribes or ancestors worship and Totemism in early years .

    蒙古族和满族的祖先神话虽然大多是关于其中一个部落或一个 氏族祖先的神话故事,但我们也能从中 窥见早期先民祖先崇拜、 图腾 崇拜 痕迹

  • The Totemism of Shang Race and It 's Correlative Questions

    商族 图腾 崇拜及相关问题

  • Another was the saying theory of creating the world which mainly focused on Mongolian fairy tale in early day the heroic epic Totemism and Shamanism .

    这种观点主要集中在早期蒙古的神话故事、英雄史诗、 图腾 崇拜和萨满教当中。

  • As a result of these phenomena existence Uyghur totemism has positive effect in Uyghur social life .

    正是由于这些 遗留现象的存在 说明 图腾 崇拜在当代维吾尔族社会生活中有一定积极的作用。

  • Totemism is the deep-seated ethical awareness in history .

    图腾 崇拜 古今民族 相对 独立的一 历史 积淀凝固于人们的深层意识。

  • The original totem is one of the oldest culture and art forms in the world . The totemism system is the rudiment of religion .

    原始图腾是全世界最古老的文化艺术形式之一, 图腾 崇拜制度是宗教的早期雏形。

  • Considering the diversification and non-generality of totemism realism of Chinese culture and the fact that the myth came into being in the civilized era this viewpoint is open to question .

    联系中国文化的大背景, 后稷感生神话是“宠神其祖,以取威于民”的现实主义精神的体现。

  • Nationalities in Yunnan still preserve the habit of a tail attaching to clothing or a tail preserving on the sheepskin coat due to the totemism influence .

    由于 图腾 观念 残存和影响, 现今云南少数民族仍然保留着衣服 后缀尾及羊皮褂保留尾巴的 习俗

  • In theory Dai didn 't have the suitable condition to form the lion totemism .

    从理论上说,傣族没有形成狮 图腾 崇拜的条件;

  • There are always abstract patterns of diamonds and triangles in Buyi clothing and batik which reflect their fish totemism .

    其服饰、蜡染中常见的菱形、三角形等抽象图案反映了 明显的鱼 图腾 崇拜

  • The results showed that there are close relationship between totemism and dragon dancing dragon boat competing and dancing for getting rid of devil while the Taoism is related to the asking the dragon god for rain at the Mid-Autumn Festival climbing mountain at Chung Yeung Festival .

    结果表明, 江西 民俗 体育中的舞龙、赛龙舟和 傩舞 图腾 崇拜有密切关系,中秋迎龙神求雨,秋醮演地戏、重阳登高与道教又有 连关系。

  • Last it analyzes the relationship between totemism and exogamy and the three functions of exogamy .

    最后,本文分析了 图腾 崇拜和外婚制的关系,以及外婚制的三大功能。