total metabolism

[ˈtotl mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm][ˈtəutəl mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm]


  • Effects of lindley eupatorium herb total flavonoid on blood lipid metabolism in experimental hyperlipidemic rats

    野马追 黄酮对实验性高脂血症大鼠脂 代谢的影响

  • Influence of Total Flavonoids of Herba Epimedii on the Index of Bone Metabolism in Serum and Bone Density in Denervated Rats

    淫羊藿 黄酮对失神经大鼠血清骨 代谢指标和骨密度的影响

  • / day . The ratio of total metabolism to resting metabolism increased with increasing ration level and decreasing temperature .


  • The Effect of Total Flavonoids of Litsea Coreana on Liver Lipid Metabolism and Inflammatory Reaction of Rats with Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Its Partly Mechanisms of Action

    豹皮樟 黄酮对大鼠酒精性脂肪肝脂质 代谢及炎症反应的影响及部分机制

  • Total parenteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine dipeptide improves protein metabolism in the developing rat

    谷氨酰胺二肽对生长期大鼠蛋白质 代谢的作用

  • Conclusions : Lidocaine makes total cerebral oxygen metabolism reduce during CPB . It can improve cerebral oxygen balance and protect the function of anoxic cerebral cells .

    结论: CPB中利多卡因能降低脑氧 ,有利于改善大脑氧供需平衡和保护体外循环中缺血脑细胞的功能。

  • Results : Rofecoxib has no significant influence on the total amount of collagen and the metabolism of the type ⅱ and type ⅲ collagen even it was administrated for a long term but the amount of the type ⅰ collagen increased significantly .

    结果:罗非昔布长期服用,对骨关节病关节软骨胶原的 总量无影响,对Ⅱ,Ⅲ型胶原 代谢无影响,而使Ⅰ型胶原含量明显增加。

  • Effect of total parenteral alimentation nutrition supplemented with alanyl-glutamine on metabolism of protein and nutrition states in patients with cirrhosis after colorectal radical correction

    丙氨酰 谷氨酰胺对合并肝硬化结直肠癌患者术后蛋白质 代谢及营养状况的影响

  • Methods based on total bilirubin and conjugated bilirubin metabolism and the bile duct relevance of acute pancreatitis to determine the relationship between the obtained results ;

    方法根据 胆红素及结合胆红素 代谢 异常与“胆管相关性”急性胰腺炎的关系得出判断结果;

  • Conclusion Ceramide elevates the leakage rate of LDH and has no effect on total LDH metabolism of neurons .

    结论神经酰胺可增加LDH漏出率,但对细胞 LDH 代谢无影响。

  • This keeps your total metabolism in optimum conditions you don 't feel sick all the time because you didn 't eat and you still stay on the road to health .

    这样,你 整体 新陈代谢都会保持在最佳的状态,就不会因为节食而感觉自己总是病怏怏的,并且一直保持健康。

  • In 2006 the investigation of glucose metabolism in patients with coronary artery disease study ( China Heart Survey ) show : the total prevalence rate of abnormal glucose metabolism in hospitalization patients with coronary heart disease was 76.9 % .

    2006年中国冠心病患者糖代谢状况调查研究(ChinaHeartSurvey)显示:住院冠心病患者中 的糖 代谢异常患病率为76.9%。

  • Effect of total parenteral nutrition and Ulinastatin on acute phase proteins metabolism in postoperative patients with advanced gastrointestinal carcinoma

    乌司他 丁和全肠外营养对胃肠道恶性肿瘤患者术后急性相蛋白 代谢的影响

  • Anabolism of total alkali had closely relations with soluble sugar and metabolism of nitride .

    烟碱的合成与可溶性糖的转化和氮 代谢密切相关。

  • Studies on antihypertensive drugs effects of the total alkaloids of Rauwolfia verticillata on coronary circulation and myocardial metabolism

    治疗高血压药物的研究 萝芙木碱对狗冠脉血流及心肌 代谢的影响

  • Influence of different procedures of alimentary tract reconstruction after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer on the nutrition and metabolism of patients : a prospective clinical study

    胃癌行全 胃切除术后消化道重建术式对营养 代谢影响的临床研究

  • The total number of abnormal glucose metabolism in 1368 patients with hypertension is 972 a ratio of 71.05 % .

    1368例高血压患者中糖 代谢异常者 为972人,比例为71.05%。

  • The comparison of the effects of simple and double energy total nutrient admixture on nitrogen metabolism in rat with acute hepatic failure

    单能源与双能源 营养液对急性肝衰竭大鼠氮 代谢影响的比较

  • The plasma concentration of glucose free fatty acid ( FFA ) and total lipids were determined to study the intermediate metabolism changes in eight adult Siii female geese during incubation .

    四季鹅 抱窝期间血浆葡萄糖浓度显著低于醒抱后恢复期水平,而血浆游离脂肪酸浓度高出四倍;

  • A computer simulation on the relationship between body weight and total basal metabolism in human growth

    人生长期间体重与 基础 代谢关系的计算机摹拟

  • Effect of alanyl-glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition on intestinal mucosa protein metabolism and granulation tissues of the burn wounds in scalded rats

    添加丙氨酰 谷氨酰胺胃肠外营养对烫伤大鼠的 作用

  • Effects of total parenteral on liver function and lipid metabolism in the cirrhotic rats

    胃肠外营养对肝硬化大鼠肝功能及脂 代谢的影响

  • Effects of total flavonoids in Gingko Biloba on glucose and lipid metabolism and liver function in rats with insulin resistance

    银杏叶 黄酮对胰岛素抵抗大鼠糖脂 代谢和肝功能的影响

  • Effect of the Total Alkaloid from Saussurea Involucrata on Metabolism of DNA 、 RNA and Protein in Leukaemia 7712 Cells

    大苞雪莲 生物碱对L(7712)癌细胞dnarna和蛋白质 代谢的影响

  • Objective To investigate the effects of total flavonoids of Herba Epimedii ( HEF ) on the metabolism of type ⅰ collagen and the expression of cathepsin K in the bone of ovariectomized ( OVX ) rats .

    目的观察淫羊藿 黄酮(HEF)对去卵巢大鼠骨组织中Ⅰ型胶原蛋白 代谢及组织蛋白酶K表达的影响。

  • Free proline content in leaves nitrate reductase activity and total nitrogen content increased remarkably which proved that nitrogen metabolism was promoted .

    N 代谢 活跃,叶片游离脯氨酸含量增加,硝酸还原酶活性明显增强, N含量提高;

  • The effect of total parenteral nutrition on the glutamine metabolism of the tissues in rats

    胃肠外营养对大鼠各组织谷氨酰胺 代谢的影响

  • Impact of total flavone of alfalfa on the lipid metabolism and oxygen-derived free radicals in mice

    苜蓿 黄酮对小鼠脂类 代谢及氧自由基的影响