total eclipse

[ˈtotl ɪˈklɪps][ˈtəutəl iˈklips]


  • The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night .

    报道说的是,2010年之前的最后一次 月全食于周三晚上出现。

  • The total eclipse will only last four minutes and 43 seconds and NASA says that makes it the shortest one of the century .

    这次的 月全食 总共只有4分43秒,美国宇航局称这是本世纪最短的一次。

  • You can witness a total eclipse from the Moon watch the Sun set from the surface of Mars or even ride a comet .

    你可以从月亮上目击 整个 日全食的过程,可以看到火星表面的落日,甚至控制一颗彗星。

  • As a personal testimonial my sister met her husband on a total eclipse of the moon many years ago and they now have two children and a happy marriage .

    我有一个亲身经历,我姐姐就是在多年前的 月蚀之夜遇到了她现在的丈夫,并且他们现在有一对儿女幸福的婚姻。

  • A full game ; a total eclipse ; a total disaster .

    全场比赛; 全食;完完全全的灾难。

  • A lovely solar corona and bright inner planets Mercury and Venus emerged during the total eclipse phase while the flickering view screens of eclipse watchers'digital cameras dotted the landscape .

    影像中,除了可见到美丽的日冕以及水星和金星这两颗内行星之外, 日食观赏者的数位相机闪烁之视景窗妆点著地面的原野。

  • With the total solar eclipse occurred is called total eclipse zone .

    带内发生 日全食的,就叫 全食带。

  • There was a total eclipse showing up in the sky on July 22 2009 in China .

    2009年7月22日,中国的天空上呈现了一场 日全食

  • Weather permitting the total eclipse can be seen from North and South America .

    如果天气条件允许,北美及南美地区均可观测到本次 月全食

  • Yes certainly everybody was still wondering at nana 's total eclipse .

    可不是吗,自然任何人都还在奇怪娜娜何以会 完全 销声匿迹呢。

  • The snow is related to the total solar eclipse . said meteorological experts of Zhengzhou Meteorological Station .

    郑州市气象台的专家称,此次下雪与 日全食有关。

  • Could you tell me what total solar eclipse is ?

    你可以详细地告诉我什么是 日全食吗?

  • Still major cities and populated areas lie along the2009 total eclipse track that begins in India and sweeps eastward across Asia and into the Pacific Ocean .

    而在印度至太平洋2009年 全食带大都会和高密度人口中心的人们,则可以目睹此次的 日全食

  • A total lunar eclipse will be visible across much of the Americas and Asia in the coming hours .

    亚洲和美洲的大部分地区能够在未来数小时内观测到 月全食

  • One of my earliest memories is of a total eclipse of the sun .

    我最早记得的事情之一是一次 日全食

  • Before scientists discovered the cause of the total eclipse of the sun people were extremely frightened when darkness fell in the middle of the day .

    科学家发现产 生日 全蚀这一现象的原因之前,每当黑暗在大白天降临时人们就怕得要命。

  • The March 20 total solar eclipse event will be the first since Nov. 3 2013 .

    此次3月20日的 日全食是2013年11月3日以来的第一次。

  • Explanation : Is this painting the earliest realistic depiction of a total eclipse of the Sun ?

    说明:这张画是最早表现 日全食写实作品吗?

  • There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday .

    下礼拜一将有 全日

  • The 80 % appeal to explode traditional feudalism viewpoint such as total eclipse ;

    80%的学生呼吁人们要破除 全尸观等封建传统观念;

  • Observation of the 1997 March 9 Total Eclipse at 8.6 mm

    1997年3月9日 日全食8.6mm波段射电观测

  • Ghana was one of the first places on earth where the rare total solar eclipse was visible .

    加纳就是世界上第一个可以看到罕见的 日全食的城市。

  • A total solar eclipse occurs when the sun is completely obscured by the moon .


  • Planets and bright stars will briefly appear in darkened daytime skies though a total eclipse won 't be seen from the Great Wall .

    届时,白画化为黑夜的短暂期间,行星和亮星会再次现身在天空中,只不过长城不在 全食带内;

  • A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow .

    明天某个时刻会发生 日全食

  • That only occurs during a total solar eclipse .

    那只发生在 完全 日食中。

  • The year 's first total eclipse of the moon lasts an unusually long time a rare celestial treat for a majority of the globe except if you 're in the United States and Canada .

    今年月亮首次 月全食持续时间这么长,全球大部分地区的人都可以看到这种罕见的天体景象,除了美国和加拿大。

  • If the Earth didn 't have an atmosphere the Moon would be invisible during a total eclipse of the Moon because there would be nothing illuminating it but because we have an atmosphere you get this quite eerie red glow which is quite spectacular .

    如果地球没有大气层, 月全食时我们会根本看不到月亮,但正因为有大气层的作用,我们才能看到这种红色月亮的奇观。

  • A total eclipse occurs when the moon comes between Earth and the sun casting a lunar shadow onto the Earths surface along a narrow 62-mile-wide ( 100-kilometer ) path .

    当月亮位于地球和太阳之间时,沿一条宽62英里(即100公里)的路径在地球表面投下阴影, 全日 现象由此产生。