tone generator

[toʊn ˈdʒɛnəˌretɚ][təun ˈdʒenəreitə]


  • Echo canceller is generally consisted of adaptive filter single tone signal detector far signal detector near signal detector nonlinear processor of the remaining echo and comfortable noise generator and other accessories .

    回波抵消器一般由自适应滤波器、 单音信号检测器、远端信号检测器、近端信号检测器、剩余回波的非线性处理器和舒适噪声 产生器等构成。

  • This would go a lot faster if you put your trade school diploma to work and helped me set up this high-frequency tone generator .

    要是你能把你那专科学历学以致用,帮我装好高频 音波 发生器的话就能快很多了。

  • Mainly include the design of directional multi microphone system two channel procession circuit notch filter squelch wide dynamic range compression ( WDRC ) tone generator .

    主要包括方向性麦克风系统、双通道信号处理、消除声反馈、消除背景噪声、宽动态压缩、 纯音 发生器等部分的设计。

  • Tone Class A new digitalization distance measurement side - tone generator

    一种新型数字化测距侧 产生器