

[化] 血管紧张素I转化酶

  • Total output of straw was 3133 × 10 ~ 4 tonin 1996.The straw utilization ratio was lower it only 10 & 20 % at present .

    1996年 主要 农作物秸秆总产量为 3133.73 ,但目前 农作物秸秆的利用率很低,仅为10%&20%。

  • The rival Mayan city of Tonin á 's hostility was perhaps the major factor in Palenque 's precipitous decline after Chan-Bahlum II 's death in702 .

    托尼那的敌对可能是在强• 巴鲁姆二世于702年去世后,帕伦克极速衰落的主要原因。

  • A study on the activities of plasma tonin and inactive renin and their relationship with renin-angiotension system in essential hypertension

    原发性高血压血浆 张力素、非活性 肾素与肾素血管紧张素系统的关系