


  • Annual tonnage charges in respect of registered ships ;

    每年向注册船舶征收的 吨位费;

  • The reason why the tong arm of the manipulator with large tonnage breaks has been analyzed .

    分析了造成大 吨位操作机钳臂断裂的原因。

  • Right now we only allow the passage of vessels above a tonnage of1500 .

    如今我们只允许超过1500 吨位的船通过。

  • The ship has a tonnage of twenty thousand .

    这艘船的 吨位是2万

  • Design and Construction of Cast-in-place Support in Large Length and Altitude and in Large Tonnage

    大长度大高度大 吨位现浇段支架设计与施工

  • International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships

    国际船舶 吨位丈量公约

  • Tonnage of white-flecked stone quarried in Spain and finished in Italy : 430 tons .


  • Only two of China 's rigs are large semi-submersibles with a gross tonnage of around 21 .

    在上述16个中国钻井平台中,只有两个为大型半潜式钻井平台,总 吨位约21000

  • Research on Relationship Between the Tonnage and Area of Inland Vessels

    内河运输船舶的 吨位与面积关系研究

  • Can not pile frames dual vibratory hammer or hammer in high tonnage joint use of large diameter pile .

    还可以不用桩架组合,双锤或多锤在高 吨位大直径管桩上联合使用。

  • Usually the dues are calculatedon the registered tonnage of the ship .

    通常港口税是以船只的注册 吨位计算的。

  • Specification for tonnage and length should take integer as unit .


  • DL_1 Large Tonnage Precast Beam Special Transport Car

    DL1型大 吨位预制梁运输专用车

  • A small warship built to conform with treaty limitation on tonnage and armament ( 1925-30 ) .

    为遵守在 排水 和武器的条约限制建造的小的战舰。

  • That 's deadweight tonnage in both cases .

    两者都是指 载重 容量

  • There was heavy loss in Britain 's merchant tonnage during the battle of the Atlantic .

    在大西洋海战中英国的 商船 遭受了巨大的损失。

  • The lift technology of prefabricated box beam spanned railway with large tonnage vehicle lift


  • Lifting Construction Techniques for Big Tonnage Saddle in High Tower Suspension Bridge

    高悬的位于一个很陡的斜坡上的高塔悬索桥大 吨位鞍体吊装施工技术

  • The navigation rules and tonnage regulation of Panama Canal .

    巴拿马运河的航行和 吨位规定。

  • They also want to almost double the tonnage of ships the port currently handles .

    他们还希望把这个港口目前的船只吞吐量 吨位 提高一倍。

  • The paper analyzes the capability of a variable hydraulic motor widely used in hoisting bodies of large tonnage automobile crane .

    本文对一种广泛的应用在大 吨位汽车起重机的卷扬机构的液压柱塞变量马达进行了性能的分析。

  • ClassNK has grown to become the world 's largest Classification Society in term of Gross Tonnage .

    从总 吨位来讲,日本船级社依旧是全球最大的船级社。

  • He says : This project could become very attractive provided that China commits the tonnage .

    他表示:如果中国做出使用承诺,这个项目可能变得非常具有 吸引力

  • The relation of tonnage to grade in the deposit is subject to exponential function rather than power function .

    矿床的 品位关系对幂律分布并不能很好地拟合,而是服从指数分布。

  • Study of Precasting Technology of Large Tonnage Simply Supported Monolithic Box Beams of High-speed Railroad

    高速铁路大 吨位整孔简支箱梁预制技术研究

  • Providing for the alteration of the particulars relating to the register tonnage or net tonnage of a ship ;

    就更改船舶的注册 吨位资料或净吨位资料事作出规定;

  • Deadweight tonnage - DWT : The weight in long tons that a vessel can carry when fully laden .

    载重 吨位(简写为DWT):指一个交通工具完全装满后可载的英吨重量。

  • Full Reach and Burde That 's deadweight tonnage in both cases .

    全部载货容积与载重量两者都是指 载重容量。

  • Vessels of less than 200 tons gross register tonnage ;

    登记总 吨位不满200吨的船舶;

  • The stripping pressure for the press tonnage will be calculated with the die closed .

    冲床 吨位中的脱料力应为模具闭当令的压力。