
香豆属[人名] 汤卡[地名] [马里] 通卡[电影]东卡

  • Handlers at an animal sanctuary in north-east Australia were mystified when their star attraction Tonka the wombat was brought low by a mystery illness .

    澳大利亚东北部动物保护区的管理者们近来发现他们的明星袋熊 唐卡不明 原因的病症体重下降了,他们对此感到很疑惑。

  • Treatment of Tonka Beans in High-voltage Static Field

    高压静电处理 试验

  • The same thickness of surface layer materials of three different species parquet the indentation depth from deep to shallow followed by Teak Quercus Oak Tonka beans . 3 .

    面层材料厚度相同树种不同的三层实木复合地板,其压痕深度由深到 浅依次为柚木、柞木、橡木和

  • The results showed that the main flavor components dihydrocoumarin and coumarin in tonka beans were dramatically influenced by high-voltage static field .

    结果表明,高压静电场对 豆的主要致香成分&香豆素和二氢香豆素有较显著的影响。

  • Tonka beans were treated in high-voltage static field extracted with 95 % ethanol for 120 hours filtrated concentrated dried by anhydrous sodium sulphate and then analyzed by GC / MS.

    用高压静电场对 豆进行预处理,然后用95%的乙醇将 处理的 豆浸泡120h,过滤,用 旋转 蒸发仪浓缩,用无水硫酸钠干燥后进行GC/MS分析。