


  • European wheat prices jumped 8 per cent yesterday to 211 a tonne the highest in two years .

    欧洲小麦价格昨日猛涨8%,至 每吨211 欧元的两年来最高位。

  • The bank expects an average price of $ 6 a tonne in 2014 .

    该银行预计2014年均价为 每吨6675美元。

  • On Tuesday copper fell 3 per cent to $ 7 250.25 a tonne .

    周二铜价下跌了3%, 每吨7250.25美元。

  • Lead prices rose to $ 2 a tonne their highest level since May 2008 .

    铅价升至 每吨2525美元,为2008年5月以来的最高水平。

  • It traded as low as $ 380 a tonne last year .

    去年该产品的 价格 每吨380美元。

  • Last week it sunk below $ 60 a tonne for the first time since 2009 .

    上周, 铁矿 价格自2009年以来首次跌至60美元 / 以下。

  • Excluding the freight cost of about $ 11 a tonne the final price is about $ 108 .

    扣除 每吨约11美元的货运成本,最终价格约为108美元。

  • Chinese clients have sometimes paid up to $ 50 a tonne more to ship ore from Brazil .

    中国客户从巴西购买铁矿石,在航运 成本上有时 每吨得多支付50美元。

  • The same cargo in a container costs $ 35 - $ 40 a tonne .

    而使用集装箱的同样货物运费则为 每吨35至40美元。

  • Analysts estimate that prices of more than 40 a tonne are required to stimulate investment in new low-carbon technologies .

    据分析师们估算, 每吨价格高于40 欧元足以刺激对低碳新技术的投资。

  • Zinc prices also outperformed other metals rallying 1.2 per cent to $ 1 a tonne .

    锌价表现也好于其他金属,上涨了1.2%, 每吨1926美元。

  • As a result grain yields are below one tonne per hectare in most of the region .


  • The cash price of nickel soared 14.2 per cent to $ 33 a tonne a yesterday .

    昨天,现货镍价飙涨14.2%, 每吨33350美元。

  • Prices are still well above their pre-crisis average of $ 250 a tonne .

    大米价格仍远远高于金融危机前250美元 / 的平均水平。

  • Earlier this year miners and Asia-based utilities settled the annual contracts for 2011-12 at a record high of $ 130 a tonne up 32.6 per cent from $ 98 a tonne of 2010-11 .

    今年早些时候,矿业公司和一些公用事业公司敲定了2011/12年动力煤年度合约,价格达到了创纪录的130美元 / ,较2010/11年度的98美元 /吨上涨了32.6%。

  • Metric Tonne or MT means a tonne equivalent to1 Kilogram .


  • Daily prices were above $ 100 a tonne yesterday analysts said .

    分析人士表示,昨日, 煤炭的单日价格超过了 每吨100美元。

  • Mr Roongta estimated that hot-rolled flat steel would be priced at about $ 525 a tonne .

    roongta估计,热轧扁钢的价格将 降至 每吨525美元左右。

  • Hot-rolled coil for instance the sheet steel for cars and fridges rose from around $ 200a tonne to more than $ 600 .

    例如热轧卷钢(来制造汽车和冰箱的板材)格从200美元一 到了600美元一吨。

  • Before the start of the commodities boom in 2004 copper traded at less than $ 2 a tonne .

    在2004年大宗商品牛市启动前,铜价 每吨不到2000美元。

  • Benchmark spot Australian prices 62 per cent iron content have risen 13.4 per cent over the past 10 days to $ 133.40 a tonne .

    现货基准澳大利亚铁矿石(铁含量62%)价格在过去10天里上涨了13.4%, 每吨133.40美元。

  • Aluminium jumped to $ 2 165.25 a tonne its highest level since October 2008 .

    铝价盘中一度升至 每吨2165.25美元,为2008年10月以来最高水平。

  • Yesterday benchmark prices hit $ 150 a tonne .

    昨日, 铁矿 基准价格达到 每吨150美元。

  • Copper for three-month delivery on the London Metal Exchange rose 1 per cent to $ 8 a tonne .

    伦敦金属交易所(LME)三个月期铜价格上涨1%, 每吨8066美元。

  • On that basis iron ore prices hit a record of $ 177.9 a tonne traders said .

    交易员称,不含运费,铁矿石价格创下了 每吨177.9美元的历史新高。

  • The spot price for iron ore reached a 1 - year high this week of $ 131.2 a tonne .

    本周,铁矿石现货价格升至 每吨131.2美元的1年半高点。

  • Spot prices fell last week to $ 80 a tonne .

    上周, 铁矿 货价 跌至 每吨80美元。

  • Spot iron ore prices hit a low of $ 59.1 a tonne in late March .

    今年3月末现货铁矿石价格 跌至 每吨59.1美元的最低点。

  • Iron ore a key steelmaking ingredient is below $ 50 a tonne down from $ 70 in three months while aluminium has fallen more than 4 per cent this year .

    铁矿石(炼钢的关键原料) 价格三个月内从70美元 / 下跌 低于50美元 / ,而铝 今年以来已下跌逾4%。

  • Top quality Thai rice fetched $ 340 a tonne .

    极品泰国香米卖得了 1 公吨340美元。