tongue test

[tʌŋ test][tʌŋ test]

[医] 舌试验,舌现象(检手足搐搦)

  • On Negative Transfer from Mother Tongue in Oral English for Tour Guides & A Case Study of 2008 Oral English Test for Tour Guides in Zhejiang Province

    旅游英语口语表达中 汉语负迁移现象研究&以2008年浙江省英语导游口语 考试为例

  • In coronary angiography revealed to finish before the history coronary heart disease related risk factors and TCM symptoms signs tongue pulse condition and laboratory physical and chemical test results of the collection records and make a TCM syndrome differentiations namely completed questionnaires .

    在冠状动脉造影检查前完成病史、冠心病相关危险因素和中医症状、体征、 舌苔、脉象以及相关辅助 检查结果的采集,进行记录,并做出中医辨证分型。

  • Second result the statistical mother tongue for Chinese use positive and negative to the adjective proportion by selecting the partial antonyms in Chinese Proficiency Test Program and using modern Chinese corpus .

    第二是在《中国汉语水平 考试大纲(词汇大纲)》中选取部分反义词,利用现代汉语语料库,统计 母语为汉语者使用正负向形容词的比例。

  • Relationship of tongue manifestations with phytohemagglutinin ( PHA ) skin test and the serum levels of immunoglobulin ( Ig ) G IgA and IgM was analyzed .

    比较分析各组 与植物血凝素(PHA)皮肤 试验、IgG、IgA、IgM的关系。

  • Tongue slips are one of the important ways to test the generating mechanism of speaking activities of the normal people .

    口误 探测正常人言语生成活动机制的重要途径之一。