tooth abscess

[tuθ ˈæbˌsɛs][tu:θ ˈæbˌses]

[医] 牙脓肿

  • Tooth extraction is the most followed by incision and drainage for abscess . 86 percent ( 92 cases ) belong to vessel restrained swoon induced by fear .

    86%(92例)属因畏惧疼痛导致紧张而诱发的血管抑制 晕厥

  • They are lying down with fever . A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

    他们因发烧而卧病在床。一 可使牙床 脓肿

  • A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

    一颗病 可使牙床 脓肿

  • Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth pulpitis apical putrescence paradentitis and apical abscess .

    并显示正常 龋齿、牙髓炎、根尖坏死、牙周炎和根尖 脓肿等病理过程。

  • In acute root needle the circumstance such as Zhou Yan or tooth week abscess falls can make the tooth becomes loose after inflammation subsidise the tooth becomes loose degree recoverable .

    在急性根尖周炎或 脓肿等情况下,可使牙齿松动,当炎症消退后牙齿松动度可恢复。