token bus

[ˈtokən bʌs][ˈtəukən bʌs]

[计] 令牌总线

  • The Total Distributed Control for Measuring and Testing System Based on Token Bus

    基于 令牌 总线的测试系统集散式控制

  • The interconnection between token bus ISLN and PSTN

    令牌 总线综合业务局域网与电话网的互连

  • The effective maintenance algorithm for logical ring plays an important role in keeping the network real - time . The complexity of algorithm is the main barrier of implementing the token bus LAN .

    逻辑环维护算法的效率是影响网络实时性的重要因素,也是 令牌 总线局域网络投入实用的主要难点。

  • A token bus controller is discussed too .

    文中还介绍了一种 令牌 总线控制器。

  • Research of Token Bus Protocol in Wireless Network

    无线局域网中实现 令牌 总线协议的研究

  • This paper proposes that the mathematical model of Token Bus Protocol for LANs is a cyclic queueing system .

    本文提出了 令牌 总线协议的数学模型&循环排队系统。

  • A Performance Evaluation Algorithm of Fault tolerant Token Bus Network

    容错型 令牌 总线网性能评价算法

  • This paper studies the problem of computer simulation for LTPB linear token passing bus .

    研究线性 令牌传递 总线LTPB的计算机仿真问题。

  • This paper proposes a new algorithm of performance evaluating for fault tolerant token bus network in the standards of IEEE 802.4 or MAP .

    本文对符合IEEE802.4和MAP标准的 令牌 总线网的性能指标评估给出了一种新的计算方法。

  • β performance analysis models of token bus and token ring

    令牌 总线令牌环的β性能分析模型

  • A multiprocessor system using token passing bus access method

    使用 令牌传递 总线 取方法的多处理机系统

  • Performance Analysis of a Gated Polling and Token Bus Protocol for LANS

    门限式 令牌 总线局部网协议性能分析

  • The design of building calling system based on token bus

    基于 令牌 总线的楼宇访客系统设计

  • Point of Token Bus Local Area Network in Teaching

    令牌 总线局域网教学中的思考

  • An improved maintenance scheme of logical ring in the token bus LAN

    令牌 总线局域网中逻辑环维护算法的改进

  • RS 485 physical layer standard is applied to build bus topolopy control network token bus is adopted in this network to realize multiple access in order to meet real-time request of control network .

    应用RS485物理层标准,构建总线型的控制网络,采用 令牌方式实现 总线的共享访问,以适应控制网络实时性要求。

  • The Comparison Research of the FDDI Token Ring to The SAE Linear Token Bus

    FDDI令牌环与SAE线性 令牌 总线的比较研究

  • Digital Network structure was double token chain bus .

    数字多媒体传输网络采用双 令牌 总线结构。

  • The models on real-time messages arrival and non-real-time messages arrival are presented in this paper . The performances including token rotation time and stability conditions on network are investigated when token bus network is used in distributed control system .

    建立了实时信息与非实时信息到达模型,并分析了完全不对称 令牌 总线网络用于控制系统时的性能,主要包括令牌循环时间和网络稳定条件。

  • Chapter 5 advances a wireless token bus protocol .

    本文第五章提出了一种适用于卫星 编队的无线 总线 令牌协议。

  • Analysis on performance and design of parameters of the asymmetric token bus used in distributed control system

    不对称 令牌 总线在分布式控制系统中应用的性能分析与参数设置

  • Then combined the theory of token bus protocol ( IEEE 802.4 ) a modeling methodology based on token bus protocol is proposed the stability of the networked control system model is analyzed as well .

    结合 令牌 传输协议(IEEE802.4),给出了一种基于令牌传输协议的网络化控制系统的建模方法,并进行了稳定性分析。

  • The problem of guaranteeing real-time message transmission in LTPB network linear token passing bus has been studied .

    研究LTPB(线性 令牌传递 总线)在通信网络中保证消息实时传输的带宽分配问题。

  • This paper designs a application-specific real-time protocol based on virtual token and Ethernet which is based on Ethernet data-frame protocol and uses idea of token bus network .

    本文以以太网帧协议为基础,借鉴 令牌 总线网络的思想,设计了有针对性的基于虚拟令牌和以太网的实时网络协议。

  • In this paper protocol characters of ARCNET are introduced . Then a kind of network interface module based on ARCNET token bus is presented emphatically . Design of hardware structure and implementation of software function are also discussed in detail .

    介绍了 令牌总线网络&ARCNET的协议特点,重点阐述了一种基于ARCNET 令牌 总线的网络接口模块,详述了硬件结构设计及软件功能的实现。

  • With a especial design the construction in which the token ring bus is used cancels the function of server .

    通过对系统结构的特殊设计,取消主机并采用 令牌总线的通信方式,使 节点间实现对等通信成为可能,并保证了通信的可靠性。

  • The Priority Access Control In Token Bus And Token Ring

    令牌 总线和令牌环中的优先访问技术

  • The Design and Application of Token Ring Bus in General Purpose Test Stand

    自适应环网 总线在通用测试台中的设计与应用

  • In order to realize the anti-collision avoidance algorithm the state information between tower cranes must interact in real-time . Referring to traditional token bus network design a wireless real-time communication protocol to transfer date between tower cranes . 3 .

    为了实现塔机群防碰撞避让算法,塔机之间的状态信息必须进行实时的交互,参照传统的 令牌 总线网络,设计一种无线实时通讯协议实现塔机群之间的数据交互。

  • A Performance Analysis Algorithm for Real Time Use in IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Network

    IEEE802.4 令牌 总线网实时应用性能分析算法