


  • Red & White roses together : unity or togetherness .

    红白玫瑰搭配: 合二为一密不可分

  • It was what I loved most about sports-the unity and togetherness .

    这才是我在体育中的最爱&团结一致、 患难与共

  • Grandma and grandpa share the joys of togetherness made possible by a lifetime of giving .

    奶奶和爷爷 奉献了一辈子, 此时 就能共享 由此而带来的 亲密无间的欢乐。

  • No one had ever offered to enjoy togetherness with me .

    以前从未有人提出要与我“享受 团聚

  • Now I believe mary had a spiritual togetherness with god and also jesus which is one .

    现在我相信上帝与玛丽有一种精神和 向心 ,这是耶稣还。

  • By playing online games the gamer can build team efforts develop togetherness and team spirits .

    玩家们可以通过玩网络游戏,集结团队的努力,发挥 团结 力量和团队精神。

  • We need to strengthen this spirit of togetherness .

    我们必须加强这个 观念

  • The reality that Vimal and I would never enjoy any togetherness hit me hard .

    维姆和我永远不会享受 团聚的欢乐了,这让我很伤心。

  • It 's about the togetherness of music and culture .

    这是音乐与文化的 融合

  • Build togetherness based on a shared intimacy and identity while at the same time set boundaries to protect each partner 's autonomy .

    在相互的亲昵和一致的基础上建立 归属 ,但同时也要设定一些界限来保障每一个成员的自主权。

  • In order to master changes we have to recover slowness reflection and togetherness .

    我们必须重新找回慢、沉思和 相聚

  • They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness .

    他们将困扰婚姻的问题掩藏在家庭 和睦的外表 之下

  • Granted all this forced togetherness may not work for every project team .

    当然,所有这些强迫的“ 共同”不一定对所有的项目组适用。

  • The togetherness was devoid of no solitude cause I was part of you .


  • The difficulties have created a spirit of togetherness .

    危难造成了一种 患难与共的精神。

  • This closeness does not imply a continual togetherness for distance and separation are sometimes essential in a loving relationship .

    这种亲密无间并不意味着持续地 一起,有时候,距离和分别对于相爱同样是必要的。

  • The philosophies of Shanghai Expo are understanding communication togetherness and cooperation .

    上海世博会的理念是:理解、沟通、 欢聚、合作。

  • Other foods include a whole fish to represent togetherness and abundance and a chicken for prosperity .

    另一 春节 必备的菜是全鱼,象征着 家庭 和睦和富余,还有一道就是鸡,象征着 吉祥兴旺。

  • Creativity togetherness sharing and trust in each other however come from us human beings not primarily from systems or styles of consumption ( apointmadeonshareable ) .

    然而,创造力、 团结、分享和信任彼此来自于人性,而并不是主要来自于系统或者消费方式(这是《分享杂志》提出的观点)。

  • On the other hand that 's a loooot of togetherness .

    另一方面,两个人在 一起的时间实在是太多了。

  • As a result it no longer shares the day 's news * or the feeling of togetherness .

    其结果是,大家不再 相互交流一天的事,也感觉不到 合家 团聚 气氛

  • There 's never much conversation just a peaceful togetherness .

    我们从来没有很多话好说,就是平静地 一块儿

  • Homing and individualisation therefore focus on two interacting factors : social togetherness and personal well-being .

    归巢和个性化,因此集中在两个相互作用的因素:社会 团结和个人的福祉。

  • Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness .

    什么都不能取代真爱与家庭 和睦

  • At Least the Chips Are Good and The Fridge Is Finally Full Again it promises people who live alone 62 minutes of togetherness .

    最起码薯条还是不错的”和“冰箱终于又满了”,它为独自生活的人们提供了“62分钟 归属

  • It 's a togetherness of tradition and what could be the future of Inter . I like it both sentimentally and emotionally .

    球衣兼顾了传统,并 融合了国际米兰的未来。我很喜欢,不管是从感情还是外观上。

  • I began to fantasise about our togetherness .

    我开始幻想着我们的 团聚

  • But let there be spaces in your togetherness And let the winds of the heavens dance between you .

    但是请 有间隙能让天堂的风在你们之间 舞动