


  • Experimental Research on The Prevention and Treatment of Buflomedil and Tolazoline on Acute Microcirculation Disturbance in Rabbits

    巴夫地尔 Buflomedil 对兔急性微循环障碍防治的实验研究

  • Combined therapy group : Antithrombosis ⅱ iv + local injection of vascular dilatation drugs ( reserpine and tolazoline ) + ciprofloxacin local application .

    综合治疗组:以抗栓Ⅱ号为主,静脉滴注,同时局部 注射利血平和 拉苏林 外用环丙沙星。

  • Preparation of Tolazoline and Naphazoline Imprinted Polymeric Microspheres and Application in Solid-Phase Extraction


  • We used pulmonary arterial DSA and Tolazoline test in animal model of pulmonary interstitial lesion to compare the difference between the DSA and pathologic findings .

    作者利用肺间质性病变动物模型进行了数字减影血管造影(DSA)和 拉苏林实验并与病理对照研究。

  • This pressor effect of atropine appeared to be unrelated to the sympathetic mechanism as it was neither potentiated by cocaine nor antagonized by tolazoline .

    这种升压作用既不被可卡因 ,又不被 苄唑啉 拮抗, 与交感机制无关。

  • Arousal Effect of Tolazoline and Yohimbine on Jing Song Ling and Bao Ding Ning & Induced General Anaesthesia in Sheep
