

  • Rimonabant appears to have a favorable safety and tolerability profile .

    利莫那班似乎在安全性和 耐受 方面更好。

  • Objective : To determine the safety tolerability and pharmacokinetics of increasing doses of idebenone in subjects with FA .

    目的:测定FA患者中艾地苯醌加大剂量使用时的安全性, 耐受 和药代动力学。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of symbicort turbuhaler in the treatment of persistent asthma .

    目的评估信必可都保治疗持续性哮喘的临床疗效和 耐受

  • Nausea and gastrointestinal symptoms are the chief tolerability issue but they are usually self-limited .

    耐受 主要与恶心和胃肠道症状有关,但它们常常因人而异。

  • Objectives : This dose-ranging study evaluated the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of aliskiren in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension .

    目的:本研究是评估阿利克伦在轻中度高血压患者中的有效及 耐受剂量范围。

  • CONCLUSIONS : An information video shown to patients preparing for colonoscopy had no impact on tolerability or anxiety .

    结论:准备结肠镜检查前的录像指导对于 耐受 或焦虑没有影响。

  • OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy safety and tolerability of daily doses of25 and100 mg of zonisamide ( ZNS ) administered as adjunctive treatment in patients with Parkinson disease ( PD ) .

    目的:评估唑尼沙胺(ZNS)每日服用不同剂量(25,50以及100毫克)作为帕金森病(PD)辅助治疗的有效性,安全性以及 耐受

  • Studies comparing the safety and tolerability of biological therapies for psoriasis in the long-term and in daily clinical practice are lacking .

    目前缺乏有关在常规临床工作中长期使用生物制剂治疗银屑病的安全性和 耐受 的研究。

  • Objective : To explore the efficacy and tolerability of olanzapine on childhood-onset schizophrenia .

    目的:探讨奥氮平治疗儿童精神分裂症的有效性和 耐受

  • Safety and tolerability profiles of the combination regimen were as expected with no new or unexpected toxicities observed .

    联合治疗的安全性和 耐受 数据也如预期相同,在实验中没有观察到新的或者意外的毒性现象。

  • The excellent tolerability of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte is therefore of particular importance .

    喜疗妥和特强喜疗妥由于其极好的 耐受 而特别重要。

  • Evaluation of safety and tolerability of Ramipril in high risk patients with cardiovascular events

    雷米普利在高危心血管患者中安全性和 耐受 的评价

  • The primary goal of the study was to determine the safety and tolerability of the new therapy .

    研究的基本目标是确定新疗法的安全性和 耐受

  • Conclusion : LEF is an effective agent for treatment of RA with better tolerability .

    结论:LEF治疗RA的疗效 肯定,且具有较好的 耐受

  • The tolerability was very good in all cases ; there were no skin irritation or other side effects .

    所有的病例 耐受 均非常好,无皮肤刺激或其它副作用。

  • Results All the patients presented a good tolerability to the treatment and left for home by themselves .

    结果所有病人 耐受良好,治疗结束能自行回家。

  • Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte have excellent skin tolerability .

    喜疗妥和喜疗妥特强软膏有极佳的皮肤 耐受

  • Purpose : The use of alternate methods for antiepileptic drug delivery has been proposed as a putative strategy to enhance efficacy and tolerability of chronic pharmacotherapy .

    抗惊厥的给药的选择性方式已经成为一种公认的提高其慢性药物疗法效能和 耐受 的策略。

  • Studies on the tolerability of traditional yogurt strains to gastric acid and bile salt are very important to evaluate probiotic strains in yogurt .

    研究传统酸奶菌种对人体胃酸和胆汁盐的 耐受 ,对评价酸奶的益生 具有重要意义。

  • Her team analysed the safety and tolerability of electroporation as well as determining whether delivering a DNA vaccine in this way resulted in a higher immune response .

    她的研究组分析了电穿孔的安全性和 耐受 ,并确定了 使用这种方式给 的DNA疫苗是否能导致更高的免疫应答。

  • This preparation has been shown to have a placebo-like tolerability while being very effective in lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and having no adverse metabolic effect .

    研究显示,这一制剂既有和安慰剂相似的 耐受 ,又能非常有效地降低收缩压和舒张压,而且没有不利的代谢作用。

  • The tolerability of Hirudoid forte cream and gel was equally good .

    特强喜疗妥软膏和凝胶 耐受 都相当好。

  • Its advantage lies subcutaneous injection of low-cost local stimulation lighter good tolerability .

    皮下注射其优势在于费用低廉,同时局部刺激作用较轻, 耐受 良好。

  • This trial is designed to assess safety tolerability and antitumor activity of HBI-8000 in patients with advanced solid tumors and lymphomas .

    该试验旨在评估HBI-8000在晚期实体瘤和淋巴瘤患者中的安全性、 耐受 和抗肿瘤活性。

  • Evaluated the Tolerability of Azithromycin Desiccated Suspension in Treating Community-acquired Paediatric Infections

    阿奇霉素干混悬剂在治疗社区获得性儿科感染性疾病中的 顺应 考察

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of zinc gluconate nasal spray in the treatment of common cold .

    目的评价葡萄糖酸锌鼻用喷雾剂治疗感冒的临床疗效和 安全

  • Evaluation of antihypertensive effects and tolerability about Captopril and Nifedipine sustained-release in rural patients

    卡托普利和 硝苯地平缓释片治疗农村 性高血压患者的疗效评价

  • Hirudoid forte have an excellent local and systemic tolerability no influence on blood coagulation has been observed .

    特强喜疗妥乳膏具有极好的局部和系统 耐受 ,不影响机体血凝系统。

  • Objective To evaluate the tolerability of healthy subjects to faropenem sodium injection .

    目的评价健康人体对法罗培南钠注射液的 耐受