total graph

[ˈtotl ɡræf][ˈtəutəl ɡrɑ:f]


  • Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring on the Product Graph P_2 × C_6

    P2×C6的邻点可区别 染色

  • The Nodes Sequence Minimized Total Recycle Weight in Weighted Directed Graph

    带权有向 回流权最小的节点序列

  • On the △ + 2 Total Colouring of a Graph

    类图的△+2 着色

  • Total Hobbing Graph Drawn by Computer

    计算机绘制 完全滚齿 图形

  • On the Strong Perfectness of Total Graph

    关于 全图的强完美性

  • Total Coloring of 3 - Regular Graph

    3正则 着色

  • Adjacent Vertex-Distinguishing Total Coloring of One Class Graph about k_4-e

    与k4-e有关的一 类图的邻点可区别 染色

  • On the Total Binding Number of A Graph

    关于 联结数

  • A new upper bound for the total domination number of a graph


  • Recently some people presented the concept of adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of graph .

    的邻点可区别 染色是最近提出的新概念。

  • On the Total Harmonious Chromatic Number of a Graph


  • A note of the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number of k-cube graph ;

    k-方体 邻点可区别 全色数(英文)

  • In this paper the vertex strong total chromatic of K_4-minor free graph and outerplanar graph are studied .

    本文研究了 K4-minorfree 和外平面图的点强全色数。

  • The edge chromatic number and equitable total chromatic number of join graph of star and complete bipartite graph is obtained in this paper .

    本文得到了m+1 星和完全等二部图联 的边色数和均匀 全色数。

  • On the Equitable Total Coloring of the Join Graph of Fan and Complete Balanced 2-partite Graph

    关于扇和完全等二部图联 的均匀 全色

  • The minimum number of colors required for an adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring of a simple graph G is called the adjacent vertex-distinguishing total chromatic number denoted by xat ( G ) .

    若一个正常全染色其相邻顶点的色集不同时,就称之为邻点可区别 染色,邻点可区别全染色所用颜色的最小数称 为邻点可区别 全色数。

  • Estimations for the domination number and total domination number of a graph

    的控制数及 控制数的估计

  • On the Equitable Total Chromatic Number of Mycielski Graph of Circle Graph

    圈的 Mycielski 的均匀 染色

  • The total colouring of a graph G is to colour both the vertices and the edges of G.

    G的 着色是同时对G的点和边进行着色,G的正常 着色是使得V(G)∪E(G)中相邻或相关联的元素均染不同颜色的 着色。

  • The minus total domination number of graph


  • Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring on 2-connected outer plane graph

    2-连通外平面 的邻点可区别 染色

  • In this paper we prove that the book Bn is a super edge-magic total labeling graph while a is even ( n ≥ 6 ) .


  • The paper gives a convenient and fast algorithm to find total spanning trees of a connected graph by the supplemented incidence matrix of the graph .

    利用连通 的增广关联矩阵,给出了求连通图的 全部互异的生成树的一种简单、快捷的算法。

  • On the Total - Colourable Critical Graph


  • Going For a Picnic Total Variation Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Graph Cut

    一种基于 割的 变差图像去噪算法

  • Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring on the Flower Graph

    花图F( r.m.n)的邻点可区别 染色

  • Enter the total range of the graph . The height of each bar will be relative to this value .

    输入 图形 整体范围。该值将与各个条形的高度相对应。