


  • The actor 's baldness was cleverly concealed by a very natural-looking toupee .

    演员的秃顶被一个很自然的男用 假发巧妙地隐藏了。

  • His toupee dropped off revealing his bald head .

    他的 假发掉了,露出了光头。

  • When he grew bald he bought a toupee .

    头发掉了后,他买了一 假发

  • She wore all that makeup and he had that bad toupee ?

    她一身浓妆,她丈夫戴着 假发

  • His toupee obviously fitted many years ago was slightly off centre and barely covered his spreading baldness .

    假发明显是多年以前配的, 现在看着有点歪,勉强盖住他 日渐扩大的秃顶。

  • In the best toupee shops in the country a good hairpiece costs about eight hundred yuan .

    全国最好的 假发店里好的假发套卖到大约800元一个。

  • The principal 's toupee is not a frisbee .

    校长的 假发不是飞盘。

  • The Gist Design of Two Roller Toupee Continuous Caster Without Framework

    无机架双辊式 轧机设计要点