town toll

[taʊn tol][taun təul]

[法] 入市税

  • Since the earthquake struck last Monday China has been ablaze with activity . In the town of Dujiangyan where the official death toll has reached more than 3 the rescue effort was well under way by the early hours of Tuesday morning .

    自5月12日发生地震以来,中国便全力以赴地进行救援。在官方公布的死亡 人数已经超过3000人的 都江堰市,救援活动于次日凌晨就很好地开展了。

  • In the case of Xi'an and Zhengzhou and most other major cities in China travellers who arrive at the airport must either wait for erratic bus services or stand in line for a taxi to drive more than one hour into town on a newly-built toll road .

    在西安、郑州及中国其它大多数主要城市,抵达机场的游客要么必须等候捉摸不定的巴士服务,要么不得不排队等候出租车,再在新修的 收费 高速公路上行驶一个多小时才能 进城

  • The7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck near the town of Jiegu in northwest China took a heavy toll on schools .

    震中位于中国西北部青海省玉树县结 古镇的7.1级地震对当地学校 造成了较大 影响