




  • He took her on tour of Europe but the travel only hastened her consumptive decline and death .

    他带她 周游欧洲,但这趟旅行只是使她的结核病恶化更快,加速了她的死亡。

  • Our tour prices bore little resemblance to those in the holiday brochures .

    我们的 旅游报价和那些度假手册里的价格相去甚远。

  • We made a tour of the yacht checking lashings and emergency gear .

    我们在那艘 游艇上四处看了看,检查了它的系索和应急装置。

  • The band are currently on a two-month tour of Europe

    乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月的 巡回 演出

  • By then it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour .

    那时已是10月,我们已经完成了 行程的一大半了。

  • Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year .

    鲍勃·迪伦正在组织一个为期两周的英国新年 巡回 演唱会。

  • Tour buses have replaced railway cars .


  • I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India .

    在被征召入队 参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的 行程做了充分准备。

  • To assuage his wife 's grief he took her on a tour of Europe

    为了减轻妻子的悲痛,他带她 了欧洲 旅游

  • Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final stage of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel .

    库克先生在 行程的最后一站来到了希腊,他 此行还包括了埃及和以色列。

  • Dean Jones is with the Australian touring team in Sri Lanka .

    迪安·琼斯正随澳大利亚 巡回 队在斯里兰卡。

  • A sightseeing tour of the city is included to help you get your bearings

    市区观光 也包含在内,帮助你熟悉一下这里的情况。

  • A few years ago they toured the country in a roadshow

    几年前他们在全国 巡回 演出

  • The tour of Guilin glutted my eyes .

    桂林一 使我大饱眼福。

  • We 've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide .

    我们已安排大家在导游的带领下步行 游览这座城市。

  • The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour including a stop in New York .

    该乐队举行了13场全国 巡回演唱会,其中包括在纽约的一站。

  • The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians

    这次 巡回 将包括和澳大利亚野人队的比赛。

  • It will be the first official cricket tour of South Africa for 22 years .

    这将是22年来南非首次正式的板球 巡回

  • The last stop in Mr Cook 's lengthy tour was Paris

    库克先生漫长 旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。

  • In July comes the Tour de France when 200 cyclists cover a course of 2 miles .

    7月份迎来了 环法自行车 ,200名自行车选手要骑行2英里的赛程。

  • We toured the streets of Milan .

    我们 游览 米兰的街道。

  • He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows

    巡回 演出 近两年,500场演出场场爆满。

  • Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April

    我们 这次 旅行于3月31号从希思罗机场出发,4月16号返回。

  • It was week five of my tour of the major cities of Europe .

    那是我在欧洲主要城市 游历的第5周。

  • He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour before fetching up in Dublin .

    他头几个月的 行程都是边走边画,不期然间竟然到了都柏林。

  • We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australian attraction


  • Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles

    最好是乘坐 旅游巴士或骑自行车观光。

  • You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos

    您也可以乘坐配有视频设备的现代化长途汽车 游览那处遗址。

  • It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct .

    旅行 是时候该遵守法律和行业规范了。