tower reactor

[ˈtaʊɚ riˈæktɚ][ˈtauə ri:ˈæktə]


  • Emphasis is placed on the industrial application of gamma scanning in tower operation and the neutron backscatter in the level detection of an industrial gas / liquid separator and a hydrogenation reactor .

    重点介绍了γ射线扫描技术在 操作上的典型工业应用和中子背散射技术在测量工业气液分离器、加氢 反应 料位中的应用。

  • Detailed experimental investigations have been carried out with the continuous tower like bubbling reactor system . Several cognitions were obtained by the mechanism and characteristic study taken under different reaction conditions such as H2S flow rate temperature and reactant concentration .

    其次在设计的连续 鼓泡 反应 系统中开展不同进气流速、温度、反应物浓度下的反应特性试验研究,并对固体产物进行分析。

  • A New Process For Chlorination of Paraffin in The Tower Reactor


  • The influence of the internal circulating reactor on yield and quality of white oil is compared with that of circulating reactor gate agitatingreactor and bubbling tower reactor .

    比较了环流反应器、槽式搅拌 反应 、鼓泡 塔式 反应器对白油收率和质量的影响。

  • It has also destroyed the cooling tower at its reactor at Yongbyon .

    北韩还炸毁了宁边核 反应堆的冷却

  • The second model added by the mass fraction of the solvent extraction tower with a tower reactor operating temperature and the relationship between the yield of 1 initially to determine the concentration of this solvent .

    通过模型研究第二种溶剂加入浓度与一萃塔的 操作温度和丁二烯收率的关系,初步确定这种溶剂的添加浓度。

  • Suppose that the reactants on enery plate reached complete mixing the reaction conversion on every plate of the tower was calculated by using the mathematical model for multi-step reactor .

    假定酯交换 中各层塔板上的物料为理想混合状态,引用多级 串联 反应 的数学模型,校核了反应器中的塔板转化率,从而得出结论。

  • Study of Chlorinated Paraffin-70 Synthesis By Tower Reactor


  • He said there has been progress noting North Korea 's recent declaration of its plutonium enrichment activities and the destruction of the cooling tower at its Yongbyon reactor .

    布什说,已经取得了一些进展。他谈到北韩最近公布了钸浓缩活动,并炸毁了宁边 反应堆的冷却

  • Study on kinetics of nuclease P_1 fermentation in airlift tower loop reactor

    式发酵 生产核酸酶P1发酵过程的动力学

  • Comparison between Spray Tower and Jet Bubbling Reactor Flue Gas Desulfurization Techniques

    规定脱碳率的脱碳层厚度喷淋 、鼓泡 烟气脱硫技术的比较

  • The Port Kembla Copper ( PKC ) copper smelting facilities were commissioned during 2000 . Numerous difficulties were encountered during the commissioning such as multiple reactor tuyere line failures absorbing acid tower refractory collapse and Noranda Reactor and Mitsubishi Converter process control problems .

    改建的肯布拉港铜冶炼厂2000年投入运行。试车时遇到很多问题,例如诺兰达炉风口区多次烧穿、吸收 耐火材料崩落以及 诺兰达炉和三菱吹炼炉工艺控制出现问题。

  • North Korea is expected to underscore its commitment to the six-party deal on Friday by demolishing with explosive charges the massive cooling tower of the Yongbyon reactor .

    北韩预计会以星期五的拆除行动强调其在六方会谈协议上的承诺。北韩计划用炸药炸毁宁边核 反应堆的巨大的冷却

  • Under the condition of oxygen some strain of microorganism is inoculated in a up-flow packed tower reactor in which the sulfide is converted into sulfur or sulfate .

    利用接种了一株排硫杆菌的升流式填料 反应 ,在有氧的条件下,将水中的硫化物快速氧化为单质硫和硫酸根。

  • A sidestream from the de-aeration tower feeds two sand filters and a calcium reactor .

    曝气 双侧中的双侧是砂石过淋器以及钙反映

  • Pilot-plant Study on Treatment of Drinking Water by UV / O_3 Bubbling Tower Reactor

    UV/O3鼓泡 反应 处理饮用水中试研究

  • The paper studied on removal of trace organic compounds in drinking water by UV / O_ 3 bubbling tower reactor .

    采用UV/O3两相鼓泡 反应 对饮用水中微量有机污染物的去除进行了中试研究。

  • The reaction was run in a fluidized-bed tower reactor .

    选用常压 塔式 反应 进行氢化。

  • In this tower reactor the liquid / gas flow residence time and pressure drop could be manipulated using special tray structure with liquid downflow and gas upflow pipes .

    通过特殊设计的 塔盘结构,实现 反应 气液流动、停留时间、压降等可控。

  • Catalytic Synthesis of 1 2-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzene in a Specially Designed Tower Reactor

    塔式 反应 中1二氯-4-硝基苯的催化合成

  • The study on treating nitrite in surface water with tower reactor

    采用 塔式 反应 处理地面水中亚硝酸盐的研究

  • Demonstrates process principles of no-ammonia recovery process of single tower atmospheric stripping and ammonia burning technology with ammonia-containing acidic gas entering sulfur reactor and presents the application of this process in integrated sulfur plant .

    阐述了单 常压汽提不回收氨工艺和含氨酸性气进硫磺 反应炉烧氨技术的工艺原理,介绍了该工艺在硫磺联合装置的应用情况。

  • In a tower reactor polymerization may be carried out in two zones .

    塔式 反应 中聚合可分为两段进行。

  • The Dragon Tower Study on Biological Nutrients Removal in Loop Reactor

    环流 曝气 中生物脱氮过程的研究

  • The applications and developments of CFD in chemical engineering field which included filled tower cyclone separator biochemical reactor exsiccator fluidized bed heat exchanger are reviewed .

    本文主要综述了CFD技术在化工领域内的填料 、旋流分离器、生化 反应 、干燥器、流化床、换热器方面的应用。

  • Pressure vessel tower reactor

    压力容器 塔式 反应

  • The catalytic reforming system mainly consists of fractionating tower hydrogenation reactor heat exchanger pump and catalytic reforming reactor .

    催化重整系统主要包括预分馏 、预加氢 反应 、汽提塔、重整反应器、再接触系统、稳定塔、换热器和泵设备。