


  • A travel toothbrush and toothpaste for sale at a dentist 's office in Pyongyang .

    在平壤一家牙医诊所出售的旅行牙刷和 牙膏

  • Sales of the snacks shampoo and toothpaste they track rose 17 % on-year in the second quarter .

    尼尔森的调查发现,零食、洗发水和 牙膏的销售额今年第二季度增长了17%。

  • Fluoride in toothpaste and in drinking water protects the smooth surfaces of teeth but back teeth need extra protection .


  • Toothpaste brands affected include Crest and Colgate .

    受影响的 牙膏品牌包括佳洁士和高露洁。

  • You 'd better bring toothbrush toothpaste comb slippers and towels .

    你要带牙刷、 、子、鞋和毛巾。

  • What flavour is your toothpaste ?

    你的 牙膏是什么味道的?

  • The history and general situation of China toothpaste industry is briefly reviewed .

    对我国 牙膏工业的历史及概况进行了简要的回顾。

  • You have the wrong toothpaste .

    你用错了 牙膏

  • He squeezed the toothpaste tube and found it empty .

    他挤了挤 牙膏,发现空了。

  • A : Mom we don 't have any toothpaste left .

    妈。没有 牙膏了。

  • Glycerine is frequently used as syrup in medicines and toothpaste .

    甘油经常被用来制造药用糖浆和 牙膏

  • It also studies preventive programs using fluoride in water salt milk and toothpaste .

    它也对使用防护方法做出研究,在水、盐、牛奶和 牙膏中使用氟化物。

  • It 's too high for toothpaste .

    牙膏来说 浓度太高了。

  • They have free toothpaste and razors and free soap and shampoo .

    船上有免费的 牙膏和刮胡刀,还有免费的香皂和洗发精。

  • How much can a teenager really need other than necessities like toothpaste and shampoo ?

    除了 象牙 和洗发水这样的生活必需品之外,一个18岁的孩子到底需要多少零花钱?

  • Which brand of toothpaste do you use ?

    你用什么牌子的 牙膏

  • Peter : Mom ! The toothpaste dropped on my shorts .

    彼得:妈妈,我不小心把 牙膏掉在裤子上了。

  • I bought toothpaste during a buy-one-get-one-free sale .

    出价,讨价,买入价和卖出价我在买一送一的特价时买了 牙膏

  • The maker of Gillette razors and Crest toothpaste has unveiled a plan to shed up to 100 brands .

    这家吉列(Gillette)剃须刀和佳洁士(Crest) 牙膏的制造商,公布了一项剥离100个品牌的新方案。

  • And don 't forget the toothpaste . I don 't want to be smelling your shit .

    别忘了 牙膏 干净,我不想闻到屎的味道。

  • I want to get some toothpaste and some shaving cream while I 'm here .

    我想趁我在这里买 牙膏和剃须液。

  • Does he know he 's got toothpaste on his mouth ?

    他知道他把 牙膏 在嘴上了吗?

  • Yes I need a tube of toothpaste .

    是的,我要一筒 牙膏

  • A water-soluble powder used in soaps and toothpaste .

    用于肥皂和 牙膏中的可溶性粉末。

  • Wait until they see what we put in their toothpaste next !

    等一等,直到他们看到我们把什么放在了他们未来的 牙膏里!

  • I did steal your toothpaste .

    我确实偷了你的 牙膏

  • This is a tube of toothpaste .

    这是一管 牙膏

  • This year we will produce a new line in toothpaste .

    今年我们要生产几 牙膏的新品种。

  • We use toothpaste and tooth brushes to clean our teeth .

    我们用 牙膏和牙刷清洁牙齿。