top yeast

[tɑp jist][tɔp ji:st]


  • Wheat beer was produced from wheat malt ( accounting for 40 % of the raw material ) by top fermentation yeast .

    小麦啤酒是以小麦麦芽为主要原料(占原料总量的40%以上),采用 上面 酵母发酵酿制而成。

  • The whole wheat beer which used top beer yeast have good foam strong easter fragrant and mellow mouthfeel .

    应用 上面发酵 酵母 发酵的全小麦啤酒的泡沫性能较好,酯香浓郁,口感醇厚。

  • Bread can be made using these ingredients ( clockwise from top left ): flour water fat yeast and salt .

    面包可以用这些配料做(从左 上方顺时针方向):面粉、水、脂肪、 酵母和盐。

  • Aerobic An organism such as top fermenting ale yeast that needs oxygen to metabolize .

    一种生物体,像 上部发酵用做淡色啤酒的 酵母一样,需要氧气来进行新陈代谢。