top managers


  • Through the deeper study on the motivation system for top managers of state owned enterprises some micro level motivation system models for top managers are tried to be provided .

    探讨了 高层 管理 特质与产品创新之间的关系,以民营企业为研究对象对高层管理特质与产品创新之间的关系进行了实证研究,并考察了环境不确定性的调节作用。

  • A poor cultural fit is the primary reason top managers fail according to executive coaches and recruiters .

    据高管培训师和猎头说,文化不合拍是 高管入职后以失败收场的首要原因。

  • If no challenging questions emerge top managers will ask about issues they know are raising concerns .

    如果会上没有提出有挑战性的问题,那么, 高管将会针对他们担忧的一些问题,向 员工征求意见。

  • Hitachi is now rewarding its 11 top managers based on job performance .

    如今日立(Hitachi)基于工作业绩对其11000名 高层 经理进行奖励。

  • In the book he said workers at all levels should take part in decision-making not just top managers .

    在这本书中,他说,不仅是 经理人,处于各个阶层的工人都应该参与决策决定。

  • An Empirical Research on the Impact of Top Managers ' Equity Incentive on Corporate Performance

    管理 股权激励对公司绩效影响的实证研究

  • The increase in information and knowledge about management will be more important to top managers .

    高层 管理 人员 来说,扩充管理方面的信息和知识尤为重要。

  • We met the top managers were given an assortment of paraphernalia and best of all were fed .

    我们与最 高层 管理 见面,得到了准确定位,而且最重要的是,我们都得到了吹捧。

  • The paper provides the theory basis and concrete methods for top managers to build new indicator system in the process of implementing performance excellence management .

    为企业开展卓越绩效管理过程中,建立面向 企业 高层 管理 的新指标体系提供了理论依据和具体方法。

  • Executives at large European banks said they were at risk of losing key traders and top managers to us and other international rivals after EU officials provisionally agreed on a 1:1 bonus to salary ratio .

    欧洲各大银行的高管表示,在欧盟官员暂时同意把奖金对工资的比例定比为1:1以后,他们的关键交易员和 高级 经理人有可能被美国及其他国际竞争对手抢走。

  • The chief executive office ( CEO ) is a company 's most important manager to whom all other top managers report .

    首席执行官(CEO)一个公司最重要的管理者,所有其他的 高层 管理 都要向他报告。

  • Shortly after taking the helm he gathered together the company 's 150 top managers to set strategic priorities .

    执掌大权后不久,他召集该公司150名 高层 经理人,商讨战略优先任务。

  • KPMG recently sent top managers to a leadership-development program in Beijing .

    毕马威最近派 高级 经理参加了北京的一个领导能力开发课程。

  • Even if they are willing top managers often find themselves unable to serve because their companies have sometimes under pressure from investor groups restricted the number of boards on which the CEO and chairman can sit .

    即使 资深 高管愿意,也会常常发现自己无法担任董事职位,因为公司(通常是迫于投资者团体的压力)限制了首席执行官和董事长出任其它公司董事的数量。

  • The food safety policy of company shall take effect after the signing of top managers .

    本食品安全方针必须经过公司 最高 管理 签署后生效。

  • Top managers do have the major role in making overall policies for a company or other enterprise .

    高层 管理 的主要任务是为公司或其他企业制订总的政策。

  • Kellogg graduates are found among CEOs and top managers of many American companies .

    毕业于凯洛格的公司高管、 高级 经理人、企业家遍布全世界。

  • And the top managers of private sector banks are now actively engaged .

    私人部门银行的 高级 经理人如今也积极参与进来。

  • But as top managers they share responsibility for the rampant see-no-evil-hear-no-evil culture in their company .

    但做为 最高 管理 人员,他们应对其公司内部猖獗的非礼勿视、非礼勿听(see-no-evil-hear-no-evil)文化负有责任。

  • The relationship among demographic characteristics job stress cognitive and affective conflict of these enterprises top managers was analyzed .

    根据对企业 高层 管理 的调查结果,分析了 高层 管理 传记性特征、工作压力及情绪和认知冲突之间的关系。

  • All bonuses and a portion of salary for top managers should be paid in restricted stock redeemable in instalments over say 10 years or if regulators are feeling generous five .

    对于 高层 管理 而言,所有奖金和部分工资应该以限制性股票的方式支付。这些限制性股票可以分批赎回,时间可以是10年,或者,如果监管者很慷慨,也可以是5年。

  • The firm 's top managers share the same open-plan office .

    该公司的 高层 管理 人员共用一间开敞式办公室。

  • Of those 36 were chief executives business owners and top managers it said .

    其中,总裁、企业主和 高级 经理 人数为36人。

  • Meanwhile top managers at many financial institutions will find themselves in unfamiliar territory .

    与此同时,许多金融机构的 最高 管理 将会发现,自己进入了不熟悉的领域。

  • Top managers should be concerned with daily operations rather than overall strategy .

    比起制定全局战略, 高层 领导更应该关注每天的日常操作。

  • Provide the necessary analysis of strategy information to support top managers to make business decision to improve the efficiency and earnings .

    提供必要的策略分析和信息,以支持 高层 管理 制定商业决策来提高系统的运行效率和收入。

  • Thus the top managers of some large banks are now discussing whether they need to go further and start making more provisions for different forms of sovereign risk in the same way that they now make reserves for corporate or emerging market risks .

    因此,一些大型银行的 高管正在讨论是否有必要更进一步,针对不同形式的主权风险计提更多的准备金就像它们目前针对企业和新兴市场风险计提的准备金一样。

  • Prosecutors want to determine whether top managers misled the public about its financial condition and some securities it sold in the past nine months .

    检察官希望弄清楚,雷曼 高管 人员是否在财务状况和过去9个月出售的一些证券方面误导了公众。

  • Review on the Research of Earnings Management Based on Top Managers ' Turnover

    基于 高管变更 视角的盈余管理研究综述