top coat

[tɑp kot][tɔp kəut]


  • An Anticorrosive and Weatherproof Top Coat upon Normal Temperature Solidification with Two Silane Polymers


  • His silhouette showed a top hat a coat which fanned out at the top and bottom and he appeared rather tall .

    他看上去身材高大,戴着一 尖尖的帽子,身 大衣从领口到下摆像一个扇面一样伸展开来。

  • The main contents can be summarized as follows : The thesis studies the principle physical model and method of detecting thickness of the top coat by means of elastic wave way and analyzes the existing problems and corresponding solutions .

    论述了基于弹性波 厚度探测的物理模型、原理和方法,分析了 厚度探测存在的问题和相应的解决方案。

  • Spread the shrimp paste onto the bread squares and top with prawns on it then coat with breadcrumb ;

    方块面包上抹 虾胶, 中虾,然后再 上面包糠;

  • Double-component water-borne epoxy zinc-rich primer and water-borne top coat with both good mechanical properties and better anti-corrosion performance were prepared and the prospective performance index was reached which can satisfy the application demands .

    本项目制备出的双组分水性环氧富锌底漆和水性 外面 ,其配套体系具有优良物理机械性能和防腐蚀性能,并且满足了集装箱的施工工艺要求,达到了预期的性能指标。

  • He stood silent and roBBed the top of his sword or played with a Button on his coat .

    他一声不吭地站着,不时地用手摸着剑 或者 抚弄 大衣上的钮扣。

  • Apply four coats of the custom coloured top coat for shine and brilliance .

    在底油加 四层经阁下挑选调配的颜色 油,使 表面回复磁质 光泽

  • The author has invented a new type L87-a reflective type of conductive cloth used for sewing top coat shielding clothes as an object of experimental research .

    L87&反射型导电布缝制 大衣式屏蔽服,作为实验研究的对象。

  • It was found that the ZrO 2-7 mass % Y 2O 3 ceramic top coat deposited by EB-PVD showed columnar grains which formed dense clusters and the surface was relatively dense .

    结果表明, EB-PVD方法沉积的陶瓷 ,其柱状晶粒簇拥成团,表面比较致密,然而晶粒簇间存在间隙,允许柱状晶横向伸缩,使基体能在相对大的范围内自由膨胀。

  • He took out a magnifying glass and lay down on top of his coat to see the marks better .

    他拿出一块夸张的玻璃片并躺在他的 外套 上头,便于仔细看这些痕迹。

  • Finish with top coat .

    成绩 顶端 外套

  • Smoothing Base Coat Resists Breaking Bio-Strengthener Growth Treatment Mega Gloss Top coat .

    平滑底油,防断裂, 强化剂,增长护理,超亮面油。

  • As a white coloring pigment it is flexible to match any top coat through color mixing as required which can simplify the preparation process of painting and coating significantly .

    该颜料由于是白色,因此可根据需要调色配套 面漆可不受限制,从而可简化漆装工艺,涂装工艺。

  • The effect of crosslinkers used in water-ba sed top coat systems of furniture upholstery leather is studied .

    对几种交联剂在家具革水性 中的应用进行了研究。

  • It is one of the common engineering accidents that temperature crevice arises in the top coat vertical wall of a brick concrete building .

    砖混房 屋顶 纵墙出现温度裂缝是常见工程事故之一。

  • Study on amino polyester baking paint top coat on natural stone surfaces

    聚酯氨基 烘漆的探讨天然石材饰面涂料

  • Top or intermediate coat in epoxy systems in severely corrosive environment .

    在严重腐蚀环境下用作环氧漆系列的 面漆或中间

  • Epoxies are sold in various formulations for different uses ( bonding or laminating etc. ) but the distinction between laminating resin and top coat resin as with polyesters does not apply .

    市售的环氧树脂因用途不同,其配方也不同(粘接或层压等),但不用区别层压树脂、 面漆树酯与聚酯。

  • The optimal chemical composition of the ceramic top coat has been determined to be 6wt % ~ 8wt % Y 2O 3 stabilized ZrO 2 ( YSZ );

    热障 涂层 表层材料的最佳成分是(质量百分数6%~8%)Y2O3部分稳定的ZrO2陶瓷材料。

  • With great care the painter pared off the top coat of paint and discovered as he had hoped a valuable old painting underneath .

    这个画家十分小心地剥去了油画的 表层,正如他希望的,他发现下面是一幅贵重的古画。

  • It is clean for whoever handles it on its way to your table but handles its outer covering its top coat which is left in the hall .

    它很干净,不管谁把它从你的桌子 拿走,也只能拿走它的外层,也就是毫无作用的橘子

  • Construction of plant expression vector of fusion genes with Banana bunchy top virus replicase and Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein

    香蕉束 病毒复制酶和黄瓜花叶病毒 衣壳蛋白融合基因植物表达载体的构建

  • Progress of Automotive Top - coat

    汽车 面漆 涂料发展状况

  • Pens and pencils poked out over the top of his coat pocket .

    钢笔和铅笔从他 上衣口袋 上面戳了出来。

  • Influence of the curing degree of electrodeposition primer on the top coat

    电泳 底漆固化程度对面漆的影响

  • He turned up the collar of his top coat with the other hand holding the attached case tightly .

    他翻 衣领,另一只手紧紧握住那个皮包。

  • Preparation of Anticorrosive Primer Emulsion for Hydrophilic Top Coat and Its Performance

    亲水 涂料底层防腐乳液的制备及其性能研究

  • Effect of Finishing Additives on Properties of Top Coat

    涂饰助剂对 涂层性能的影响

  • See for example the black shaved mink trenchcoat from Burberry and chinchilla-lined cashmere top coat from Brioni ( not exactly a snip at $ 30000 suggested retail price ) .

    例如,可以去看看burberry的黑色无毛貂皮军装大衣,以及 brioni用南美栗鼠皮镶边的羊绒 外套(不过,3万美元的建议零售价可不算便宜)。