topical anesthesia

[ˈtɑpɪkəl ˌænɪsˈθiʒə][ˈtɔpikəl ˌænɪsˈθi:ʒə]


  • Clinical evaluation of topical anesthesia in cataract surgery and trabeculectomy for angle closure glaucoma


  • Topical anesthesia as routine procedure in cataract surgery - Evaluation of pain and complications in 1010 cases ( Germ )

    表面 麻醉可作为白内障手术中的常规步骤&评价1010例病例的疼痛和并发症(德)

  • Conclusion Trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia is a safe and reliable method for glaucoma with tubular visual field .

    结论小视野青光眼 表面 麻醉下小梁切除术是一种安全、有效的 麻醉方法。

  • Conclusion The topical anesthesia possess more safe and effective for the trabeculectomy .

    结论 表面 麻醉和球结膜 麻醉结合 应用,简便、安全、高效,使小梁切除术并发症减少。

  • Research of the influence of topical anesthesia on artery courage vigor for patients with radial artery puncture

    表面 麻醉对桡动脉穿刺患者动脉血气影响的研究

  • Clinical analysis of 117 cases of topical anesthesia for phacoemulsification

    表面 麻醉 超声乳化术117例临床分析

  • Clinical evaluation of cataract extraction with scleral tunnel incision under topical anesthesia

    表面 麻醉巩膜隧道切口白内障手术临床体会

  • Tolerance of the procedure with topical anesthesia was satisfactory .

    所有病人在 局部 麻醉 的忍受性均相当良好。

  • Conclusion The topical anesthesia is safe and feasible for cataract patients with system disease .

    结论 对合并全身病的白内障患者是安全可行的。

  • Conclusion There were stable intraoperative IOP and less complication and satisfied operative effect in improved ECCE under topical anesthesia .

    结论采用 表面 麻醉进行改良白内障现代囊外摘除手术,患者术中眼压稳定、并发症少、手术效果满意。

  • Phacoemulsification with topical anesthesia for short eye axis cataract

    表面 麻醉在短眼轴白内障超声乳化术中的应用

  • Clinical observation of the trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia

    表面 麻醉 青光眼小梁切除术临床观察

  • Effect of small incision phacoemulsification cataract extraction and IOL implantation with topical anesthesia

    表面 麻醉 小切口白内障超声乳化人工晶状体植入术

  • Conclusion Topical anesthesia of tracheal mucosa using compound lidocaine cream may reduce the cough reflex and breath holding during extubation and inhibit the stress reaction .

    结论复方利多卡因乳膏 表面 麻醉可减轻气管导管拔除时的呛咳与屏气,抑制应激反应。

  • For everywhere the hair of the head and the hair of the face is cut off : on every hand there are wounds and haircloth on every body . Phacoemulsification with topical anesthesia for short eye axis cataract

    各人头上光秃,胡须剪短,手有划伤,腰束麻布。 表面 麻醉在短眼轴白内障超声乳化术中的应用

  • Objective : To evaluate efficacy and safety of topical anesthesia for trabeculectomy .

    目的:评估 表面 麻醉行小梁切除术的有效性及安全性。

  • To evaluate the feasibility reliability and analgesia effect of topical anesthesia and supplemental subconjunctival anesthesia in anti-glaucoma surgery .

    目的:探讨 表面 麻醉和结膜下麻醉进行青光眼手术的可行性,分析其镇痛效果和安全性。

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of oral cavity topical anesthesia after gargle .

    目的探讨唾液分泌对口腔 表面 麻醉效果的影响。

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical anesthesia and subconjuctiva anesthesia in the trabeculectomy .

    目的评价在小梁切除术中应用表面 麻醉和球结膜下麻醉的效果和安全性。

  • Conclusion Trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia and without superior rectus muscle suturing is safe and reliable .

    结论 表面 麻醉下不做上直肌固定缝线进行小梁切除术,安全适用、方法可靠。

  • VE : To compare the effect between general anesthesia by nasal cavity blindly intubation with and without topical anesthesia through thyrocricocentesis in maxillofacial operations .

    目的:比较行环甲膜穿刺表 与否对 全麻鼻腔盲探插管的影响。

  • Application of topical anesthesia combined with subconjunctival anesthesia in trabeculectomy

    表面 麻醉联合结膜下麻醉在小梁切除手术中的应用

  • The patients in control group only received topical anesthesia of lidocaine ( 2 % ) .

    对照组用2%利多卡因 表面 麻醉

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of topical anesthesia in phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation in diabetic cataract .

    目的:观察 表面 麻醉 糖尿病患者行白内障超声乳化及人工晶体植入的临床效果。

  • Objective : To evaluate the security and feasibility of the intra-ocular operation under topical anesthesia ( IOUTA ) .

    目的:评价 表面 麻醉(表麻)下行内眼手术的安全性及可行性。

  • Objective To evaluate security and efficacy of topical anesthesia in small incision non-phacoemulisification cataract exaction ad IOL implantation .

    目的探讨 表面 麻醉 小切口白内障非超声乳化手术的安全性和有效性。

  • AIM : To explore the feasibility of lameller sclerectomy with topical anesthesia .

    目的:探讨 表面 麻醉 板层巩膜咬切术的可行性。

  • Application of topical anesthesia in large-scale cataract surgery in primary hospital

    表面 麻醉在基层医院防盲白内障手术中应用

  • Clinical study of the pain prevention of radial artery puncture by different topical anesthesia time

    不同 表面 麻醉时间预防桡动脉穿刺时疼痛的临床研究