


  • Mark 's most valuable possession is his dog Topper .

    马克最宝贵的东西是狗, 托珀

  • You can let me out here Topper .


  • Furthermore the constitution of the tool management system give the tool information to the topper management system and CAD / CAM / CAPP system of information manufacture system and make the information streaming effectively of the whole manufacture system .

    而且刀具管理系统的建立,给信息化制造系统中 上层管理系统和CAD/CAM/CAPP等系统提供了刀具信息,使得整个制造系统信息畅通。

  • Example : a pants tension blower topper does a far better job of topping the pants even with pleat paddles .

    例如:裤子紧张鼓风机 礼帽不好得多工作超出裤子即使褶划桨。

  • The damage of the derrick was due to the careless handling of the ship 's crew in lowering the derrick causing the topper to override the ratchet wheel and foul onto the topping winch drum shaft .

    该吊杆的损坏是由于该轮船员在将吊杆放低时因操作不慎而造成 越过棘轮,缠绕在 绞车卷筒轴上。

  • Based on the analysis of the new-type movement control card PMAC 2A-PC / 104 two aspects relevant to the hardware structure of movement control card and the interrelated software of the topper computers were described . Then two ways to solve the problems were given .

    基于对新型运动控制卡 PMAC2A-PC/104的分析,从运动控制卡的硬件结构及 上位机的控制软件两个方面入手,解决了运动控制轴数不能变化的问题。

  • The topper computer software design in major oil depot system

    大型油库发油系统 上位机软件设计

  • So through adjusting and expanding the hardware of the movement control cards and through changing parts of the parameters in control software of topper computers the users can choose different axes which can be controlled and it is easy to realize multi-axis control .

    通过在运动控制卡上作硬件调整和 添加扩展硬件,并结合 上位 的相关参数设置,就可方便地实现变轴控制。

  • You 'll find the perfect stocking stuffer or stuffing topper at The Gift .

    你会在”礼物”发现最完美的“ 圣诞礼物”。

  • Then the concept of process manager was introduced to identify the topper roles and define hierarchical division of roles .

    引入流程经理概念, 实现 基于 流程 分解 内部角色识别,解决角色的层次性划分问题;

  • The focal point has been introduced that uses the J2EE multilayer application architecture structure and the construction of bottom application with CORBA and topper application with WBM technology in the development of integrated network management system .

    重点介绍了采用J2EE的多层应用体系结构,同时使用CORBA构建底层应用,使用WBM技术构建 上层应用,来开发综合网络管理系统的方法。

  • Comparing with the superstratum esquires the topper esquires were lack of capitals to confront with local higher officials but they could protect their hometowns ' benefit with their long-term official-associated network .

    和巨绅相比上层绅士缺少和地方 大员直接对抗的资本,但是他们能够利用长时期形成的官系网维护家乡利益 弹劾危害他们利益的地方大员;

  • Unfortunately judging by the jaunty faux-1940s veiled topper the possible-princess-to-be wore to the Phillips ' nuptials odds do not seem good .

    遗憾的是,从这位未来王妃的可能人选在 菲利浦斯婚礼 所戴的仿1940年代风格、配有面纱的时髦大礼帽来看,机会看来不大。

  • In the black topper the light was completely hidden and they flew on in silence .

    亮光完全藏在黑 帽子 了,他们 悄悄 继续往前飞。

  • The appropriate time for the researcher to study the density of glandular trichome on the leaf surface was during the lower leaf grows to its 40-50 days the lumber leaf grows to its 50-60 days and the topper leaf grows to its 60-70 days .

    调查烟叶表面的腺毛密度的最适宜时期为下部叶为40-50天,中部叶为 50-60天,上部叶为 60-70天叶龄期间。

  • Just in time for co-founder Chris Hughes to tie the knot Facebook unveiled two new cake topper icons so same-sex couples can declare their marriage status .

    恰逢联合创始人克里斯·休斯与同性 男友 完婚 ,Facebook针对同性结婚又推出两组新的婚姻状态图标。

  • Today 's most movement control cards need special control software of topper computers and are only suitable for fixed-axis controls . So the number of the axes which can be controlled are limited .

    目前大多数运动控制卡只能使用专用的 上位机控制软件和控制固定的运动轴数,存在轴数控制范围少,难以进行二次开发和扩展的问题。

  • It introduces how to migrate embedded TCP / IP protocol to DSP and based on this protocol stack the topper protocol is programmed and implemented .

    介绍了嵌入式TCP/IP协议在DSP硬件上的移植,在此协议栈的基础上, 完成上层协议的编写和实现。