tooth face

[tuθ fes][tu:θ feis]


  • Effects of modified fixed plastic rapid maxillary expansion with vertical chin cap traction on tooth face structure

    改良固定式塑胶上颌快速扩弓矫治器联合垂直颏兜牵引对 结构的影响

  • Emulate the contact trace and contact area of the working tooth face and drawing the instantaneous drive ratio error curve .

    根据设计参数和机床调整参数绘制了工作 齿 面的接触轨迹和接触区图形,并求得了瞬时传动比的误差曲线。

  • It is completed that the study of the active design method of NURBS tooth face the way of tooth face expression and design is provided .

    完成了 齿 NURBS表示情况下的数字化共扼 齿面的主动设计方法研究,为 双曲 齿轮的齿面表示及设计提供了新途径。

  • In this fundamental research foundation it establishes Oerlikon system cycloidal tooth bevel gear tooth face geometric parameter like diameter arrow french arrow and so on unification computation model has analyzed its solution method and conducts the tooth face contact analytical study according to this model .

    在此理论研究的基础上,建立奥利康制摆线齿锥齿轮 齿 几何参数如径矢、法矢等的统一计算模型,分析了其求解方法,并根据该模型进行齿面接触分析研究。

  • An approach to some issues on the application of hard tooth face gearing

    硬齿 齿轮装置应用中几个问题的探讨

  • Contact fatigue strength of marine gear tooth face

    船用齿轮 齿 接触疲劳强度的研究

  • A discussion for measuring the roughness of the involute gear tooth face

    渐开线齿轮 齿 粗糙度的测量探讨

  • The subject of this article are curved tooth face gear which is a new type of face gear tooth .

    本文的研究对象是曲线 齿 端面齿轮,它是端面齿轮的一种新型齿形。

  • And the results are as follows : ( 1 ) According to the theoretical tooth face the bit shift speed and acceleration expression are analyzed . And the necessity of modification is indicated .

    根据波 发生器 端面 凸轮的理论 齿 方程,分析了 齿作直线往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度表达式,指出了对 啮合 齿 进行修 的必要性。

  • In addition to the theoretical derivation of tooth contact analysis This article also imported the three-dimensional model that is assembled by curved tooth face gears and involutes cylindrical helical gear to the ANSYS finite element contact analysis software .

    本文还将装配好的曲线 齿 端面齿轮和渐开线圆柱螺旋齿轮的实体模型导入到ANSYS有限元软件中进行接触分析。

  • Firstly wax pattern tooth face was sprayed with a layer of slurry and then stained with slurry which can improve the clarity tooth face profile and avoid gas hole .

    铸造 齿 精铸件时,可在蜡模 齿 先喷涂1层浆衬,然后再沾浆操作,可以提高齿面轮廓清晰度,并避免产生大、小气泡。

  • The common gear tooth profile curve launches after neighborhood higher order step taylor 's series can discover the tooth face meshing point neighborhood gap is 2 step infinitely greats .

    一般齿轮齿形曲线在一点邻域的高阶阶戴劳级数展开后,会发现 齿 啮合点邻域间隙为2阶无穷小。

  • Tooth face roughness can make the film thickness and the pressure distribution occur saw tooth wave shape change the lower the lubricant viscosity and the more violent fluctuations .

    齿 粗糙度会使压力分布与油膜厚度产生锯齿形波动,且润滑剂粘度愈低,波动愈剧烈。

  • The active design technique of hypoid gear tooth face provides a kind of fresh method of the hypoid gear design .

    准双曲面齿轮 齿 主动设计技术为准双曲面齿轮副的设计提供了一种全新的思路。

  • The calculation formulas of general curvature radius and tooth face contact stress of the unsymmetric gear with double pressure angles were proposed at the upper and lower points of single and double teeth mesh areas and the pitch point .

    推导出双压力角非对称齿轮在单、双齿啮合上、下界点和节点的综合曲率半径和 齿 接触应力的计算公式,并用解析法对给定参数进行计算。

  • When the duplex gear of the coal mining machine is dealed with the vacuum ion carbonitriding technology the oxygenation and decarburization of the tooth face can be avoided the deformation will be reduced and it can come up the technic requirements of duplex gear .

    采煤机双联齿轮采用真空离子碳氮共渗处理,能避免 齿 氧化脱碳,减少变形,完全满足双联齿轮技术要求。

  • The laser-hardened tooth face has high hardness and high contact fatigue strength .

    激光淬火后 齿 组织为理想的针状马氏体, 齿 硬度高、疲劳强度高。

  • Therefore studying in manufacturing gear whose tooth face is hard high accuracy high-efficiency is the urgent mission in machine manufacturing .

    因此,研究高精度、高效率的 硬齿 齿轮加工方法是机械制造业 面临的迫切任务。

  • Research on Roughness Testing Mehtod for Tooth Face of Machine Gears

    机床齿轮 齿 粗糙度检测方法的研究

  • Considering the time-variant mesh stiffness and curvature radius of mesh points the change of tooth face contact stress in one engagement period was demonstrated .

    揭示了由于时变啮合刚度以及啮合点曲率半径的影响, 齿 接触应力在一个啮合周期的变化规律,同时对两种方法的结果进行比较。

  • The high Al Zn base alloy conical gear with straight tooth in squeezing casting can ensure an accuracy of tooth face .

    利用挤压铸造技术生产高铝锌基合金直齿圆锥齿轮, 齿 精度能够得到保证。

  • Metallographic Analysis of Laser - Hardened Tooth Face of Gear

    齿 激光淬火金相分析

  • To Analyze and Adjust Tooth Face Contact for Spiral Bevel Gear Using Error Method

    用误差法进行螺伞齿轮 齿 接触分析调整

  • Based on the Visual C + + 6.0 the design of tooth profile of the cycloidal gear is optimally programmed to improve its engaging condition thus calculating the multi-mesh and tooth face contact conditions between the cycloid gear and ring-plate .

    基于Visualc++6.0,编制程序对摆线齿轮的齿形进行优化设计,改善了摆线齿轮的啮合状态,并计算出摆线齿轮和环板的多齿啮合情况、 齿 接触状态等;

  • Compared with the standard involute gear the two methods showed that the unsymmetric involute gear could efficiently improve the tooth face contact strength .

    两种方法均得出非对称齿轮能有效提高 轮齿 齿 接触强度的结论。

  • Design and Research of Chamfered Cutter for Tooth Arc Face

    关于 齿轮 齿弧面倒角刀的设计与研究

  • Established the system of coordinates of roll testing getting the parameters of equation of tooth face by solving the non-linear equations set ;

    建立了克林贝格摆线 齿 齿轮 啮合分析的对滚模型,通过对非线性方程组的迭代求解,得到 齿 方程的各个参数;