tool mark

[tul mɑrk][tu:l mɑ:k]


  • A tool for remote control and data transfer on Mark 5

    Mark5远程控制和数据传送 工具

  • Of course it needs further test if ear print will become a sort of evidence accepted by forensic groups largely like fingerprint tool mark and handwriting examination .

    耳纹证据究竟能否像指纹、 工具 痕迹、笔迹检验等一样,成为法庭科学界公认的证据并得以广泛应用,还有待进一步考证。

  • However as a tool for human beings to understand the world numerals are closely connected with human life . They mark the footprints of the progress of human civilization and thus have rich cultural connotations .

    但是,作为人类认识世界的 工具,数词与人类生活有着密切的联系,它 印记 人类文明进步的足迹,从而具有丰富的文化内涵。

  • Interest rate hikes are one tool & but they may have topped out now at6.35 % Mark Williams senior China economist with Capital Economics said in a research note .

    上调银行存贷利率就是 手段之一&但目前6.35%的利率已达极限,中国高级资本经济学家 马克。威廉在一则研究纪要中如是说道。

  • Interest rate is an important monetary policy tool . Market-led interest rate is determined by the monetary supply and the need under the premise of bench mark of central bank .

    利率是重要的货币政策 工具,利率市场化是在中央银行 基准利率的前提下,由货币需求与货币供给共同决定的。

  • I shall use binary oppositions as a tool to mark the differences between them in educational background perception intellectual degree and guiding principle .

    笔者以二元对立为 工具 标注出他们在教育背景、认知、才智和行动原则上的差异。

  • The ancient Chinese sentence marking method which includes the write tool dianzi and the write pigment danqian and the rules about how to mark the sentence and clause is the unprecedented undertaking matter of the cultural history .

    中国古代句读标识法包括书写 工具点子和书写颜料丹铅的制作和使用方法以及句读 标识方法的详尽规定,是文化史上的创举和盛事。

  • Research for the Technology of Direct Tool Mark Identification in Agile Manufacturing Cell

    敏捷制造单元中的 刀具 标识技术研究

  • A Tool Customized for AUTOCAD to Mark Tolerance

    为AUTOCAD定制的 标注尺寸公差的 工具

  • This article introduces a tool for marking the tolerance of the part with this tool user can complete expediently two works once by good interface which to look up dimension tolerance and mark the tolerance and raised the work efficiency consumedly .

    本文介绍的标注零件尺寸公差的 工具,以良好的人机交互界面,让用户方便地一次完成查找尺寸公差和 标注尺寸公差两项工作,大大提高了工作效率。