total wreck

[ˈtotl rɛk][ˈtəutəl rek]

[法] 船舶全部沉没险

  • Physically I was a total wreck .

    从身体上说,我 完全是一个 废人

  • The automobile was a total wreck but the river luckily escaped with minor cuts and abrasions .

    那辆汽车 废铁,但是驾驶员只有一点割伤与擦伤,逃过了一劫。

  • I am a total wreck and a failure .

    简直就是 废物一个!

  • 1 in ascertaining whether the vessel is a constructive total loss the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the vessel or wreck shall be taken into account .

    在确定船舶是否构成推定 全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或 残骸的受损或解体价值。

  • Early estimates of the total damage are somewhat higher than the $ 100 billion that Kobe cost but not enough to wreck a rich country .

    之前发布的 全部损失估计值比阪神地震造成的损失值1000亿美元稍高,但不足以 摧毁一个富国。