trade protocol

[treid ˈprotəˌkɔl][treid ˈprəʊtəˌkɔ:l]


  • The curbs violate several international trade agreements cfac says including the protocol China signed when it joined the WTO in 2001 .

    cfac表示,这些限制措施违反了几项国际 贸易协定,其中包括中国在2001年加入世贸组织(wto)时签署的 议定书

  • A communication model for electronic commodity trade based on TCP / IP protocol specification is proposed and its communication mechanism is further discussed .

    基于TCP/IP 协议,提出了一种面向商品电子化 交易的通信软件的结构模型,并进一步讨论了基于该模型的通信机制。

  • On Trade Related Measures under Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Conflicting with WTO Rules

    论《卡塔赫纳生物安全 议定书 中与WTO规则冲突的 贸易措施

  • Because of the conflict between the opening of Internet and security requirement of e-commerce we need to ensure security of online trade by special network safety protocol .

    由于Internet的开放性和电子商务支付系统的安全要求之间的矛盾,我们需要借助特别的网络安全 协议来保障网上 交易的安全。 SET 协议 SSL 协议是目前世界上广泛使用的两种 安全 协议

  • The DBS would take sanctions against the members with mandatory and exclusivity who cause damage to other countries or obstruct the free trade by violating the SPS protocol and the TBT protocol .

    DSB对一成员违背SPS 协议及TBT协议对其他成员造成损害或者对 贸易自由造成实质性影响的制裁具有强制性与排他性。

  • SET is a kind of safe electronic trade protocol in e-commerce at present especially it is extensively applied in the trade on the net and it is the majority which was adopted in the trade online protocol .

    SET是目前在电子商务中一种安全电子 交易 协议,尤其在网上交易中有着广泛地应用,是大多数在线支付所采用的交易协议。

  • Harmony of Carbon Trade and Environmental Protection Restriction under Kyoto Protocol Mechanism

    《京都 议定书 机制下碳 贸易与环保制约的协调

  • This paper discussed the trade process on Internet and provided a plan of tax-management based on SET protocol and CA.

    探讨了网上 交易的过程,给出了一个基于SET 协议和CA认证的税收征管方案。

  • However when we focus on the multilateral environmental agreements we find consanguineous relationship between global warming and the world trade system . The Kyoto Protocol which aimed at restraining global warming seems to be a law of world trade .

    然而关注国际上的多边环境协议时我们发现,全球变暖问题与国际 贸易体系有着密不可分的关系,旨在抑制全球变暖的京都 议定书看起来却更像是部国际贸易法。

  • Next is the anatomy of the macro environment and trade competition of the Corporation and the analysis of the effects on short message service from five aspects such as communication protocol and cell phone .

    其次对湖南移动公司的宏观环境、 行业的竞争形式进行剖析,并从通信 协议、手机终端等五个方面因素对短消息市场的影响进行分析。

  • Firstly we design and implement Automated Generation Model and Algorithm of CPA Template generate CPA Template by CPPs of both trade parts then we design and implement NDDs generate CPA using appreciate negotiation protocol and negotiation strategy through CPA Automated Negotiation Model .

    首先设计和实现CPA模板的自动生成模型和算法,通过 交易双方的CPP文档生成CPA模板,接着设计和实现 NDD文档,通过自动协商模型选择合适的协商 协议和协商策略生成CPA文档。

  • It indicates the real beginning of the change on the policy to India when Khrushchev come to power in 1953 while the Soviet India trade agreement and the Soviet India steel protocol mark the finish of the policy improvement .

    1953年赫鲁晓夫执政标志着对印政策调整的真正开始,《苏印 贸易协定》和《苏印钢铁 协定 的签订是其政策变革完成的标志。

  • In this paper an algorithm for trade management of gird resources based on bargain economic model is presented : Firstly the layered grid protocol architecture is described ;

    该文针对计算网格的特点,提出了一种基于Bargain经济模型的网格资源 交易管理算法:首先描述了分层的网格 协议体系;

  • Due to the possible detrimental effect of GMOs to Biodiversity environment and hu - man health GMOs trade is limited by the trade clauses of Biosafety Protocol .

    由于转基因生物对生物多样性、生态环境和人体健康可能产生潜在的有害影响, 生物安全 议定书 贸易条款对转基因生物贸易作了较严格的限制。

  • International Emission Trade put forward in the the Kyoto Protocol is the important mechanism of international cooperation to mitigate the climate change .

    《京都 议定书 提出的碳排放权 交易是实现减缓气候变化国际合作的重要机制。