


  • Medea and Zhao Wuniang are two abandoned women respectively in ancient Greek tragedian Euripides'tragedy Medea and classical Chinese tragedy The Story of the Pipa adapted by Gao Zecheng .

    美狄亚和赵五娘是古希腊 悲剧家欧里庇得斯的 悲剧《美狄亚》和 高则诚改编的中国古典悲剧《琵琶记》中演绎的两位弃妇形象。

  • In chapter two according to the location ditch as boundary heap earth over mound sacrifice construction tomb conformation tragedian and the introduction by managers the inheritance and development of Qin shihuang Mausoleum park from Qin emperor mausoleums .

    第二章通过选址、围沟、封土、祭祀性建筑、墓葬结构、 陪葬 系统和管理人员等方面的介绍秦始皇帝陵园对秦公帝王陵墓的继承和发展。

  • She is regared as the best tragedian on the English stage .

    她被认为是英国戏剧舞台上最出色的 悲剧 演员

  • Besides that Aeschylus 's works also have different shapes at tragedian 's amount in different period .

    而且埃斯库罗斯不同时期的作品在 演员数量上也有不同的表现。

  • The performance heightened my admiration for the tragedian .

    演出使我更加钦佩 这位 演员

  • In the process of the Ancient Greece tragedian 's increasement Aeschylus and Sophocles sequentially played quite an important role .

    在古希腊 悲剧 演员 数量增加的 历史进程中,埃斯库罗斯与索福克勒斯先后扮演了极其重要的角色。

  • The acme of bliss which would have been a marriage with the tragedian was not for her in this world .

    幸福的顶点,本是 嫁给 那位 悲剧 演员,在这个世界上不是为她而来的。