trading corporation


  • The feasible method of governing monitor trading is increasing the price of monitor and perfecting the ownership structure of corporation .

    治理监督 交易的可行方法之一是完善 企业的所有权结构和加强 资本市场的规范化和制度化建设。

  • Study on the Marketing Strategies of Best Year International Trading Close Corporation

    嘉年国际 贸易 公司营销策略研究

  • Comparing to the separated system the centralized trading system can effectively reduce the management and business risks adequately utilize the limited resource improve the corporation competition conveniently popularize new merchandise and cut down the running cost .

    相对分散式系统,集中 交易系统能够有效降低管理和业务风险,充分利用有限资源,提高 企业竞争力,有利于新产品的推广,降低运行费用。

  • China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation Ltd China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation

    中国船舶工业 贸易 公司

  • Associated Book Publishers Ltd. International Book Trading Corporation

    联合图书出版公司(英)国际图书 贸易 有限 公司

  • Non-defaulting consigned futures commission merchants shall select another clearing member and enter into an agreement consigning that clearing member to handle clearing and settlement and shall not resume trading until after notifying this Corporation of the conclusion of the agreement .

    未违约之委托期货商应另行选定结算会员,订定受托办理结算交割契约,并于通知本 公司后,始得恢复 交易

  • The government of Gansu Province made use of this opportune and initiated to establish the Gansu Trading Share limited Corporation by Gu Zheng-lun president of provincial government .

    甘肃省政府利用这一有利时机,在省府主席谷正伦的积极倡导下成立了甘肃省 贸易股份有限 公司

  • The steep gains bode well for the trading debut of China State Construction Engineering Corporation the largest home builder which is expected to start trading tomorrow and for companies that will list on Shenzhen 's planned new board .

    成渝高速的暴涨为中国最大住宅建筑公司中国建筑工程 公司(CSCEC)明日的 首日交易,以及将在拟议中的深圳创业板上市的各家公司带来好兆头。

  • Convertible bonds and notes give the investor the privilege of trading the bonds in for stock of the issuing corporation .

    可转换债券和票据给与投资者在发行证券 公司进行债券 交易的特权。

  • Gain more experience in a trading corporation .

    贸易 公司中获得更多的经验。

  • I have a strong desire to work for a large-scale commerce and trading corporation like yours .

    长久以业我一直梦想在像贵 公司这样大的 商贸 公司里任职。

  • M : Peter Jackson from the Southern Trading Corporation here is my card .

    M:我是南方 贸易 公司的彼特.杰克逊,这是我的名片。

  • I am Peter Jackson from the Southern Trading Corporation . I am glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation .

    我是来自南方 贸易 公司的彼得.杰克逊,很高兴能有机会参观您的公司。

  • Having gone through the books of the bank further seizures were made against two affiliates the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation .

    经过书本的银行,进一步缉获发了言对两个子公司,荷兰,美洲的 贸易 公司和无缝钢设备公司。

  • The Equity of the state-owned shares and corporate shares in the listed company has an extraordinarily high degree of concentration and can not enter the free circulation of the trading market ; thereupon there exists a small percentage of the circulating stock in corporation .

    我国上市公司的国有股股权及法人股股权集中度非常高,且无法进入流通市场自由 交易,而 企业只有很少比例的流通股存在。

  • The professional team of ALIC are proficient in international trading business keen-witted capable and honest have all joined in the new corporation where they will continue to develop .

    公司拥有一支精通国际 贸易业务、精干诚信的专业人才队伍,并且与时俱进,以“和谐,团队,诚信,共赢”的 经营思想建设独具特色的 企业 文化,继续培养和打造过硬的 企业团队。

  • In the event of telephone recording equipment malfunctions or operational omissions the futures commission merchant shall within two trading days of the occurrence submit a report to this corporation by letter stating the incident cause and remedial measures taken .

    期货商如电话录音设备发生故障或作业疏漏时,应于事实发生之日起二个 营业日内,将其原因事实及改善情形函报本 公司

  • Beijing Real Glant Trading Corporation was established in the year of2000 dedicates to the business of office and home furniture .

    北京瑞耕 商贸 有限 公司成立于2000年, 公司主营办公家具及家居,业务范围扩大至美洲、欧洲、东南亚、及国内各大小城市等地。

  • Futures commission merchants and their principals shall not request compensation when normal operations are obstructed by interrupted transmissions or malfunctions of trading information and facilities provided by this corporation .

    公司提供之 市场 交易信息及设备有传输中断或发生故障无法正常作业时,期货商及其委托人不得请求赔偿。

  • The standard volume per trading quote referred to in the preceding paragraph may be adjusted by this corporation based on market conditions .

    前项每笔 买卖申报数量之标准,本 公司得视市场状况变更之。

  • This paper presents an accountant calculation information system which is developed for a international trading corporation .

    本文研究和实现的国际 贸易中的会计结算系统就是我们为一家国际 贸易 公司开发的 管理 的会计系统。该系统具有 贸易前预测、 贸易中规划和控制、 贸易后核算和统计分析的功能。

  • This dissertation mainly analyzes the trading risk the unexpected fluctuation of the exchange rate leads to losses to the corporation .

    本文主要分析的风险是未预料到的汇率波动给 企业带来的 交易风险。

  • We are a trading corporation handling the import and export business around the world .

    我们是一家在全球范围内施行出进口业务的 贸易 活动 企业

  • How shall I go about trading in a major corporation ?

    我要买一家大 公司 股票,应该怎么做?

  • The value of the infringement civil liability in securities trading is preserve investor ' confidence and perfect corporation govern structure .

    在论述证券侵权民事责任的价值时,认为 证券侵权民事责任最基本价值在于保护投资者信心,完善 公司治理结构。

  • Prime Orchards Limited ( Hong Kong ) is a trading company that connects our corporation to the world .

    富辉鲜果有限 公司位于香港九龙油麻地,是专门从事水果进出 贸易

  • Huatianlong Financing & Trading ( Zhuhai ) Limited Company ( HTL ) is an import and export corporation with our own license and elder qualification .

    珠海市 华天隆经贸有限公司是一家具有进出口 贸易资格的资深 企业

  • A property rights trading market is a not-for-profit institution corporation .

    产权 交易市场是不以营利为目的的事业单位 法人

  • It is no coincidence that many top traders have their roots in the trading incubator Commodities Corporation .

    许多顶尖级 交易高手植根于他们的的交易保护系统,这并不是巧合或 偶然现象。

  • To withdraw from the market according to the legal requirements and the listing contract agreement the government regulatory agencies or termination of listing Corporation stock exchange securities trading at a stock exchange qualification according to law from a listing Corporation into a non-listed company .

    退市,指根据法律要求和上市契约的约定,政府监管机构或证券交易所依法终止上市公司证券在证券交易所内进行 交易的资格,即由二家上市 公司变为非上市公司。