trading up


  • One industry estimate suggested overall trading revenues were up 37 per cent quarter-on-quarter .

    一份业内估计数据显示,三季度 交易收入总额环比上升 37%。

  • The most actively traded gold contract for April delivery rose Tuesday for a 10th straight session recently trading up 0.4 % at $ 1 the highest level since Oct. 31 .

    周四交投最活跃的四月交割黄金期货连续第10个 交易日上涨,最近 上涨0.4%至每盎司1324美元,为10月31日以来的最高水平。

  • A new trading agreement was drawn up between Holland and Denmark .

    荷兰与丹麦双方 拟定了一份新的 贸易协定。

  • The lawsuit mechanism of civil lawsuit in inside trading is made up of representative lawsuit and shareholder derivative lawsuit .

    内幕 交易民事诉讼机制 代表人诉讼和股东派生诉讼所构成。

  • You become the face of consumer growth in trading up ; consumer buying behavior and purchase have been major changes in the market to the growing differentiation of two very .

    面对消费者趋优 消费方式的增长,消费者的购买方式和购买行为均发生了重大的变化,市场向二极分化不断加剧。

  • It was a big trading post up north .

    那是位于北方的一个很大的 商栈

  • At one meeting Thain would insist that the trading desk lighten up the balance sheet .

    比如,在某次会议上,塞恩坚持要求 交易部门的资产负债表 瘦身

  • Trading settlements grew up along the river .

    河的两岸 兴起 一些 贸易区。

  • Managers appear to have learned their lessons from previous recessions when graduate recruitment in some areas dried up altogether leaving employers facing serious gaps when trading picked up .

    经理们似乎已从之前的衰退中汲取了教训:如果某些领域的毕业生招聘完全枯竭,一旦 生意有所 好转,雇主们将面临严重的缺口。

  • Trading revenues were up as well from a year ago but down from the first quarter perhaps showing how the recent rise in interest rates prompted clients to retreat .

    交易收入较 上年同期也有所增长,但低于一季度的水平,可能反映了近期利率上涨导致的客户退缩。

  • Investment banks have experienced their most lucrative year in the Asia-Pacific region according to two reports with buoyant equity issuance and trading commissions pushing up revenues to record levels .

    两份报告称,在亚太地区,今年是各家投资银行利润最为丰厚的一年,越来越多的股票发行与 交易佣金将其收入 至创纪录的水平。

  • But after flirting with smaller vehicles a few years ago Chinese consumers are trading up .

    但在几年前尝试了小 排量汽车后,中国消费者 开始转向售价更 的汽车。

  • Traders say typical order thresholds for electronic trading have gone up to $ 100m at many banks from between $ 5m and $ 25m a few years ago .

    多名交易员表示,许多银行的电子 交易规模上限已 上涨至1亿美元,而几年前这一上限还在500万美元到2500万美元之间。

  • Reports of fraudulent activity including theft corruption and insider trading made up 21 per cent of all calls to the hotline in the first quarter compared with 16.5 per cent last year and just 11 per cent three years ago .

    在第一季度打进该热线的所有电话中,对偷窃、腐败和内幕 交易等欺诈活动的举报 到21%,而去年的比例为16.5%,3年前为11%。

  • The benchmark index hit a high of 10 in early trading up 0.3 per cent from Wednesday 's close and the highest point since October 7 .

    日经指数 早盘一度触及10022点的高位,较周三收盘水平 上涨0.3%,创下去年10月7日以来的最高水平。

  • The phenomenon of trading up is still very much in place .

    升级 消费的现象依然 大行其道

  • With the price differential between dumb phones and smart rapidly shrinking whole populations seem to be trading up .

    随着传统手机和智能手机之间价格差异迅速缩小,似乎所有人都在 更新 换代

  • The former head of the leading US financial industry group believes the implementation of sweeping reform of derivatives and securities trading will take up to five years .

    美国金融业主要团体的前负责人认为,涉及衍生品和证券 交易的全面改革 需要5年时间才能 落实

  • Trading activity picked up a little in recent days after the release of the European bank stress tests .

    欧洲银行压力测试结果发布后, 交易活动在近几日略有 回升

  • Mini-car owners are trading up to ' real ' cars

    迷你车车主们正 变卖 旧车换进“真正的”汽车

  • Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us trying t force us out of that business .

    一些较大的 贸易公司纠结在一 起来搪塞我们,规划把我们从该行业中架空出去。

  • Global investment banking earnings are expected to drop sharply for the second quarter after brutally tough market conditions saw trading commissions dry up and the market for takeovers and initial public offerings freeze .

    由于严酷的市场环境导致 交易佣金 枯竭,并购活动和首次公开发行(ipo)市场冻结,全球投行业今年第二季度的利润预计将大幅下滑。

  • Starting with behavioral deviations on the part of investors analytical method of behavioral investment takes a host of proactive trading and management strategies including cost averaging strategy time spreading strategy reverse investment dynamic trading and setting up stop point and etc.

    行为投资分析方法从投资者的各种行为偏差出发,采取一系列的积极交易和管理策略,包括成本平均策略、时间分散化策略、反向投资策略、动量 交易策略及 设立止损点的 交易策略等。

  • Overall sales and trading revenue was up nearly 50 % .

    总体上,销售和 交易收入 上涨 近50%。

  • Other traders are hoping that forex trading will pick up after the outcome of the US election .

    还有一些交易员希望,外汇 交易将在美国大选尘埃落定之后 提速

  • Competition for off-exchange Asian equities trading will hot up this week when Instinet the electronic broker expands its CBX Asia dark pool trading platform outside of Japan for the first time to include Hong Kong shares .

    电子经纪商极讯(instinet)本周首次将其亚洲cbx“暗资金池”交易平台从日本扩展至香港股票,亚洲场外股票 交易的竞争将因此 升温

  • The chain of command on trading floors runs up from senior dealers to desk heads departmental managers and all the way up to the board .

    交易部门的指令链从高级交易员到交易主管、部门经理,最后一直向上延伸 董事会。

  • The exchanges have been working with experts from the Asian Development Bank on technical issues such as the incompatibility of some existing trading systems setting up central clearing and settlement arrangements and handling transactions in several currencies .

    这几家交易所一直与亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)的专家合作解决技术问题,比如处理现有 交易系统不兼容问题、 建立中央清算和结算机制,以及处理以多种货币进行的交易。

  • But Walter ricciardi deputy sec enforcement director said referrals of suspicious trading were up across the board .

    但美国证交会执法副主任沃尔特里恰尔迪(walter ricciardi)称,总体而言,可疑 交易的报告数量 有所 上升