trade mark

[treid mɑrk][treid mɑ:k],特征

  • Application of CAN bus Multi-axis System on Trade Mark Screen Printing Machine

    CAN总线多轴系统在丝网 商标印刷机上的应用

  • The trade mark is the first face that the goods appear in front of consumers can offer numerous information to consumer .


  • ( trade mark ) a hollow plastic ball with cutouts .


  • The registered trade mark remains valid for ten years from the date of registration .


  • Primary function of the trade mark is to distinguish this enterprise product and other enterprises products ;


  • The translation of trade mark belongs to the field of business translation and also has its own distinguishing features .


  • The Latest Developments in Trade Mark Registration System of Singapore and Its Implications to China

    新加坡 商标注册制度的最新发展及其对中国的启示

  • Role of trade mark logos and their relationship with market economy

    商品 标识标志的作用与市场经济的关系

  • Under ordinary circumstances the validity of our trade mark registration is 5 years .

    在通常情况下,我们的 商标 山有效期为五年。

  • Assignment of letters patent and trade mark

    专利证书及 商标转让

  • Will be your company 's merchandise trade mark registration in China .

    将你们公司的商品在中国进行 商标注册。

  • With the development of intellectual economy the rights conflict between trade mark and other marked intellectual property rights become more and more obvious .

    随着知识经济的发展, 商标权与其他标识性知识产权的权利冲突日益明显。

  • A trade mark enables providers of goods and services to distinguish their goods and services from those of others .


  • Right Conflicts between Domain Name and Trade Mark and Resolving Approach

    域名权和 商标权的权利冲突及解决途径

  • By the way is there a time limit for trade mark rights ?

    顺便问一句, 商标权也有有效期吗?

  • Q17.Can a product be protected in Australia by both a Registered Design and a Registered Trade Mark ?

    在澳大利亚,一件产品可以同时被注册外观设计和注册 商标保护吗?

  • As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential .

    这是 商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外条款,其目的是对有一定影响的未注册商标进行保护。

  • And the intellectual property system composed of copyright protection system patent system and trade mark protection system etc is one of legal system .

    知识产权制度是由版权保护制度、专利制度、 商标保护制度等组成的一种法律制度。

  • 1958-Velcro 's trade mark is registered .

    1958年的今天,维可牢的注册 商标被注册。

  • It involved consultation with domain name industry trade mark attorneys the business sector users governments and technicians .

    这其中包括域名产业组织, 商标律师,商务部门,用户,政府和技术人员。

  • When registering a trade mark internationally most companies will file for protection in China using the International Trade Mark System run by the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) .

    在国际上注册商标时,多数企业都会利用世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganisation)管理的国际 商标体系(International Trade MarkSystem)申请在华受保护。

  • The trade mark mentioned in this webpage is owned by its affiliated company .

    本网页内所提及之 商标为其所属公司所有。

  • The foundation for drawing-up Ben Gang standard of blade steel steel trade mark specification test method and delivery condition are introduced in this paper .

    根据本钢叶片钢企业标准,介绍了钢的 牌号、采用的试验方法和交货条件。

  • Karen Fan is also responsible for trade mark registrations and patent registrations of domestic and foreign companies .

    此外, 樊晓曦律师还负责国内外公司在 中国 商标注册和专利权注册。

  • The trade mark helps to guarantee product quality and enterprise 's prestige ;


  • Every story 's got a trade mark Bradbury twist .

    每个故事都贴上了 布雷德伯里怪诞的标签。

  • This should provide them with the same rights and protection as registering a trade mark in China .

    这理应为它们提供与在华注册 商标相同的权利和保护。

  • An oral statement may amount to the use of a trade description or trade mark or mark .

    口头声明可当作使用商品说明或 商标或标志论。

  • The Analysis of the intellectual property rights of Domain name - The conflicts of Domain name and Trade mark

    域名知识产权分析&兼谈域名与 商标的冲突

  • In many countries where someone has made an application to register a trade mark you can oppose their application .

    如果有人在许多国家提交 商标注册申请,你可以对他们的申请提出反对意见。