trace separation

[tres ˌsɛpəˈreʃən][treis ˌsepəˈreɪʃən]


  • Determination of trace silver in superalloys by ICP-MS after complexing separation with ammonia

    氨水络合 分离-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定高温合金中 痕量

  • Determination of trace vanadium by catalytic fluorescence quenching method after separation and preconcentration by ion exchange resin

    离子交换树脂 分离富集-催化荧光猝灭法测定 痕量

  • Application of 3000 TA Trace Oxygen Analyzer in Air Separation Production

    3000TA 微量氧分析仪在 生产中的应用

  • Determination of Trace Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water and Its Separation Characteristics of Nanofiltration Membrane

    水中 痕量多环芳烃类物质的分析检测及 纳滤去除特性研究

  • Determination of Trace Gold by FAAS with PVBS Chelating Resin Separation and Preconcentration

    PVBS树脂 分离富集-火焰原子吸收法测定 痕量

  • Relying on the good chelate ability thiourea and its derivatives also could be used in the extraction of trace metal and the separation of platinum group metals and may be applied in the anion acceptor recognition .

    利用硫脲的络合作用可以富集和 分离提纯铂族金属 元素,硫脲配合物同样也可以用于识别阴离子受体等。

  • Studies of Trace Noble Metals after Separation and Preconcentration with Macroporous Adsorption Resin Immobilized Tannins and Determination by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

    固化单宁树脂 分离富集&原子吸收法测定 痕量贵金属的研究

  • Determination of Trace Cadmium in Environmental Samples by Nanometer-Titanium Dioxide Separation / Preconcentration-Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

    纳米二氧化钛 分离/富集-石墨原子吸收光谱法测定环境样品中 痕量

  • The chemistry composition in the food is very complicated in addition to the nutritious materials such as protein carbohydrate and fat etc. food often includes some beneficial and harmful trace elements or components so the separation and analysis of food are very difficulty .

    食品中所含的化学成分非常复杂,除了含有常量的蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪等营养物质之外,还包含了一些有益的或有害的 微量痕量物质,因此食品的 分离分析极其困难。

  • The Separation of Trace Components in Rare Solution and the Choice of Separation Method

    稀溶液中 微量组分的分离与 分离方法选择

  • Direct Analysis of Trace Rare Earth Elements Through Nanometer-size Titanium Dioxide Separation / Concentration and Fluorination Assisted ETV-ICP-AES with Slurry Sampling

    纳米TiO2材料 分离富集、悬浮体进样氟化辅助ETV-ICP-AES直接分析 痕量稀土元素

  • Determination of 18 kinds of trace impurities in UF 4 samples by extraction separation chemical spectrum method

    萃取 分离-化学光谱法测定UF4中18种 微量杂质元素

  • Solid-phase extraction ( SPE ) is an effective tool for the preconcentration of trace elements and their separation from various sample constituents .

    以及从复杂组成 样品中将其 分离出来的有效工具。

  • Experiment conditions using differential pulse polarography have been studied . The direct determination of trace arsenic in sulphur without separation was established .

    采用微分脉冲极谱法研究了各项实验条件,建立了直接测定硫中 微量 方法

  • Aimed at solving the problem that determination of germanium in standard of China has shortcoming a analytical method for the determination of trace germanium in coal by flow injection-ion exchange separation - 4 spectrophotometry was studied .

    针对国家标准测定煤中锗存在的缺点,研究了流动注射-离子交换 分离-二溴邻硝基苯基荧光酮光度法测定煤中 含量的分析方法。

  • Oscillopolarographic Determination of Trace Amounts of Tellurium in Steel and Alloys after Separation with Sulfhydryl Cotton

    巯基棉 分离-示波极谱法测定钢铁和合金中 痕量

  • Adjustment and operation of trace total hydrocabon gas chromatographic analyzer used on air separation unit

    装置 痕量总烃色谱分析仪的调试及运行

  • Study on the determination of trace copper by using the phase separation spectrophotometry with triazene reagent

    三氮烯试剂 相光度法测定 痕量铜的研究

  • Determination of Total Trace Rare Earth by Separation and Enrichment with Liquid Membrane and Spectrophotometry

    液膜 分离富集、分光光度法测定 微量稀土总量

  • Usually the main difficulty in determination of trace boron is its unsta-ble recovery in preliminary separation .

    通常测定 痕量硼的主要困难是 分离过程中硼的回收率不稳定。

  • Study on the Application of Decompressed Chromatographic Micro Column to Analysis of Ores - Photometric Determination of Trace Gold after Preconcentration and Separation with P_ ( 350 ) Extraction Resin

    减压微色谱柱在矿石分析中的应用研究&P350萃淋树脂 分离光度法测定 痕量

  • A new method for trace Zn ( II ) preconcentration and separation was described using microcrys-talline phenolphthalein modified by crystal violet as an adsorbent coupled with the determination by spectrophotometry .

    建立了一种利用修饰有结晶紫(CV+)的微晶酚酞作为固态吸附剂 分离富集溶液中 痕量Zn(II)的新方法,富集后的Zn(II)含量可直接用光度法测定。

  • Study on the Determination of Trace Titanium with Salicyl fluorone by Phase Separation Photometric method

    水杨基荧光酮 相光度法测定(微) 痕量钛的应用研究

  • Determination of Trace Iron in Cobalt Sulfate by AAS after Separation and Preconcentration by Coprecipitation with Cerium Phosphate

    磷酸铈共沉淀原子吸收光谱法测定硫酸钴中的 痕量

  • UV Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Doxycycline in Water with Separation and Enrichment by Gas Floatation floating-point adder

    气浮浮选 分离富集-紫外分光光度法测定水中 痕量强力霉素

  • PAR Photometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Cadmium After Separation and Enrichment from PVA-H_2O-Acetone System

    聚乙烯醇-水-丙酮体系 分离富集-PAR光度法测定环境水样中 痕量

  • Pre-column Derivatization-GC Determination of Trace Amounts of Phenol in Water After Separation by Micro-wave Heated Extraction

    微波萃取-柱前衍生-气相色谱法测定水中 痕量苯酚

  • Application and maintenance of trace water analyzer in air separation unit

    微量水分析仪在 设备中的应用与维护

  • Selective adsorption of a crown - ether polymer for trace u (ⅵ) and its use in separation

    高分子冠状聚合物对 痕量铀(Ⅵ)的选择性吸附及其在 分离中的应用

  • The method to determine trace gold in rock salt samples with ion exchange separation and enrichment is approached .

    探讨了用离子交换 分离富集极谱法测定岩矿样品中的 痕量金的方法。