tracer mixture

[ˈtresɚ ˈmɪkstʃɚ][ˈtreisə ˈmikstʃə]


  • One is high-pressure CO2 test block . To distinguish between lubricant drip and bubble the fluorescent tracer is added to the mixture . The decompression process of CO2 and PAG lubricant mixture solution was experimental observed using high speed camera .

    第一个装置是高压CO2快速降压试验试块,为区分汽泡和油滴,在润滑油中添加荧光 示踪剂,采用高速摄影仪对CO2与润滑油 混合物的快速降压过程进行试验观测。

  • Tracer dynamic monitoring technology has been used to trace injected water by means of mixture tracer into water injection well . It can give new ideas and information by monitoring water flow velocity direction path and other parameters and indicators of injected water during oil development .

    示踪剂动态监测技术从注水井注入 示踪剂,以注入水为载体,通过监测注入水的流动速度、流动方向、流动路线等参数和指标,能够给解决油田注水开发中问题的解决提供思路和参考。

  • Tracer studies with15N-glycin in rats showed that carbohydrate mixture of GFX-8:4:2 increased the protein synthesis in the liver just after operative stress more remarkably than glue0se alone .

    利用15N标记的甘氨酸进行的同位素 示踪实验结果表明,葡萄糖、果糖和木糖醇以 8:4:2比例供给比单独使用葡萄糖明显增加术后肝脏的蛋白质合成。