trace fault

[tres fɔlt][treis fɔ:lt]

[计] 追踪故障

  • From the digging of paleoearthquake trace along the active fault zone we can prove that it is really a place of multiple earthquakes .

    断裂带上古地震 遗迹的发掘也印证了全新世以来该断裂经历了多次强地震活动。

  • The trace () method assigned to the fault attribute prints the given message out to the console which helps you debug any issues that might occur .

    赋值给 fault属性的 trace()方法会把给定的信息打印到控制台,从而帮助您调试任何可能发生的问题。

  • I 'll have to strip sown the whole engine to trace the fault .

    我得把整个机器拆开来 找出 毛病

  • Occurrence of potentially hazardous trace elements in coal from Qianxi fault depression area Guizhou province China

    黔西 陷区煤中潜在毒害 微量元素赋存状态分析觹

  • Application of VI trace testing technique to analogue PCB Fault Diagnosis

    VI 曲线测试技术在模拟PCB 故障诊断中的应用

  • This response wraps the stack trace of the server-side exception into the SOAP fault detail .

    这个响应把服务器端异常的堆栈 跟踪包进了SOAP 故障详细信息中。

  • The electrical engineer suggests stripping down the electronics of the car and trying to trace where a fault might have occurred .

    电机工程师建议把汽车的电子器件全部拿下来 看看哪里发生了 问题

  • The sources of ore materials were discussed base on the trace elements analysis . The resources potential of the Zhaoping fault belt was estimated .

    根据断裂带 微量元素特征,探讨了成矿物质来源,估算了 断裂带资源潜力。

  • Whereas gas chimneys boiling fluid inclusions MnO trace elements and the abnormal temperature of fluid inclusions are all the characteristics for determining or tracking the migration of fluid inclusions in fault zones .

    气烟囱、沸腾包裹体、MnO等 微量元素与包裹体均一温度异常等是判断或追踪 断裂带流体活动特征的有效指标。

  • How to Improve Reliability of Logging Trace Fault Interpretation

    如何提高测井 曲线解释 断层的可靠性

  • Variance cube technology is a kind of new technology which makes use of correlativity of seismic signal between neighboring trace in data and reveals the discontinuity information in data cube to perform fault or lithological discrimination through computing variance values of seismic traces sample points .

    方差体技术是利用地震数据中相邻 之间地震信号的相关性,通过计算样点的方差值,揭示数据体中的不连续信息,进行 断层、岩性识别的新技术。

  • A New Method for Effective Trace Petroleum Migration Path & Concept of Fault Section Dominant Migrating Channel and Its Application

    一种有效 追踪油气运移轨迹的新方法& 断面优势运移通道的提出及其应用