track mark

[træk mɑrk][træk mɑ:k]


  • To keep track of who was taking what he installed small digital kiosks next to each cabinet and asked employees to swipe their badge and mark which accessory they took .

    为了 追踪谁拿了哪些东西,他在每个储藏柜旁安装了小型数字商亭,要求领取配件的员工自行刷卡,并 标注自己领取了哪些配件。

  • In order to ensure the cultural characteristics of track and field and the high-level fair play spirit it is necessary to apply the new method of non-error mark .

    思考 田径 运动的文化属性和更高层次的公平竞争精神,应当采用新的无误差 划线法。

  • A track or mark left by something that has passed .

    某物经过后留下的 印记

  • Every so often if you absolutely cannot see and think you 're getting off track do a few breaststroke pulls find your mark and then get right back into your stroke .

    或者,如果有时候你实在看不见任何东西,并且你确实认为你的游进 方向有问题,那么你可以可以做几个蛙泳动作,这样你就可以重新找到 目标,然后恢复正常的划水。

  • To process the track measurement data in real time processing by using onboard data processing systems with computer as the center is an important mark of modernization of track inspection techniques .

    以电子计算机为中心的车载数据处理系统对 轨道检测数据进行实时处理是轨道检测技术现代化的重要 标志

  • HSBC said its purchasing managers ' index for July was on track to rise from 48.2 last month to 49.5 which would mark a five-month high .

    汇丰(HSBC)表示,其7月份采购经理指数(PMI) 有望从上月的48.2升至49.5,这将 标志 五个月来的高位。

  • Track Approach of Document Modification Mark in OA System

    办公自动化系统中公文修改 痕迹 跟踪方法

  • The results of simulation show that the control system could make the AGV have the adaptive capability to track various mark lines have the strong capability against noise disturbance and have good performance on control effects .

    各种复杂环境下的仿真计算结果均表明,该控制系统使自动引导车具备对 各种 路径 跟踪的适应能力,具有较好的抗噪声干扰能力和控制效果。

  • As the component of sensor board the silicon photoelectric cell transforms radiation-ray from the track mark into electrical signal which is amplified by operation amplifier into voltage signal reshaped by the pulse shaping circuit .

    车载传感器板通过硅光电池检测 轨道 标志的反射光信号,运放将信号放大并转换成电压信号,再通过脉冲整形转化为脉冲信号,实现了 轨道标志的检测。

  • At current projections Bank financing for education in the latest financial year is on track to reach approximately $ 4.4 billion which would represent another high-water mark for the institution .

    从当前预测结果看,本财年 世行教育融资将 稳步增加,达到44亿美元左右,表明世行教育融资将再创新高。