


  • Tracheotomy Nursing care After-operation of brain stem tumors ;

    气管 切开;护理;脑干肿瘤术后;

  • The research of extubation time for tracheotomy patients with COPD

    COPD 气管 切开患者的拔管时机研究

  • In2005 I had to get a tracheotomy .

    2005年,我曾不得不接受 气管切开术

  • A tracheotomy performed in order to insert a catheter or tube into the trachea especially to facilitate breathing .

    为了将一导管或管道插入 气管而施行的气管切开术,尤指为了促进呼吸。

  • Study on clinical efficacy of nasotracheal or mouth intubation and tracheotomy in patient with respiratory failure

    经鼻或口气管插管和 气管 切开在呼吸衰竭患者中的应用探讨

  • A New Type of Tracheal Cannula Applied in Patient with Severe Brain Injury after Tracheotomy

    一种新型气管套管在重型颅脑损伤患者 气管切开术后的应用

  • Nursing experience of tracheotomy complicated with pneumothorax and severe subcutaneous emphysema in children

    小儿 气管切开术 合并气胸、重度皮下气肿的护理体会

  • The risk factors and treatments of tracheoesophageal fistula after tracheotomy in inhalation injury patients

    吸入性损伤 气管切开术并发气管食管瘘的危险因素及防治

  • Extreme throat swelling may occur which may require a tracheotomy .

    可能发生严重喉部肿胀,这要求进行 气管 切开

  • Objective : Probe into nursing care of inhalation hurt after tracheotomy .

    目的:探讨吸入性损伤 气管切开术人工 气道的护理。

  • Objective To summarize our experience in the clinical application of percutaneous tracheotomy ( PT ) .

    目的总结近年来我 经皮 气管切开术在临床应用时 遇到 困难 教训。

  • Objective To explore the opportunity choice of tracheotomy for patients with extensive burns and inhalation injury .

    目的探讨大面积烧伤 合并 气管吸入性损伤病人 气管 切开的时机和

  • Reason analysis and management strategies of airway obstruction in tracheotomy patients

    气管切开术 病人并发呼吸道阻塞原因分析与管理对策

  • Conclusion ART such as trachea intubation and tracheotomy which can damage respiratory tract natural defensive function is one of the risk factors of HAP .

    结论气管插管与 气管 切开人工气道的建立,破坏了呼吸道的自然屏障,是下呼吸道感染的危险因素之一。

  • Comparison of the effect of different aerosol inhalation method for tracheotomy patient

    气管 切开患者不同雾化吸入方法的效果比较

  • Conclusion Percutaneous tracheotomy operation simple the patients of small trauma complication rate is low worth clinical promotion .

    结论经皮 气管切开术 手术操作简单,对患者创伤小,并发症发生率低,值得临床推广。

  • Causative analysis of complications of patients after accepting tracheotomy and nursing intervention for them


  • 20 cases were applied by nursing interven tion of subclavian vein intubation after tracheotomy .

    对20例 气管 切开 患者于锁骨下静脉置管并精心护理。

  • However the tracheotomy operation removed my ability to speak altogether .

    然而 气管切开术使我丧失了说话的能力。

  • Objective To study the percutaneous tracheotomy patients in the ICU application effect .

    目的探讨经皮 气管切开术在ICU患者中的应用效果。

  • Clinical Study on the Opportunity Choice of Tracheotomy for Patients with Burns and Inhalation Injury

    烧伤合并吸入性损伤 气管 切开时机的临床研究

  • Disinfection of hyperbaric oxygen chamber and prevention of nosocomial infection in tracheotomy sufferers

    高压氧舱的消毒与 气管 切开患者院内感染的预防

  • Application of Percutaneous Dilatation Tracheotomy in the Intermediate Syndrome of Organophosphorous Poisoning

    经皮扩张 气管切开术在有机磷中毒中间综合征中的研究

  • Clinical observation and guardianship of respiratory passages after tracheotomy in 40 cases of severe chest traumas

    40例严重胸外伤 气管切开术后临床观察与呼吸道监护研究

  • Objective : To analysis the causes of trachea hemorrhage after tracheotomy and to propose some nursing countermeasures .

    目的:分析 气管切开术后气道出血原因,提出相应护理对策。

  • Distribution and drug resistance of pathogens from sputum culture on patients with severe multiple injuries after tracheotomy

    严重多发伤患者 气管切开术后痰培养病原菌的分布及耐药性分析

  • ConclusionAfter brain injury the use of oxygen inhalation nasal feeding suction tracheal intubation tracheotomy breathing machine were the main risky factors to cause lung infection .

    结论颅脑损伤后,氧气吸入、鼻饲、吸痰、气管插管、 气管 切开、呼吸机的使用是引起肺部感染的危险因素。

  • Clinical research on the disinfection methods for internal tube of tracheal cannula after tracheotomy


  • Tracheal intubation with ventilator was used for respiratory support on Aug 24 Tracheotomy was done on Aug 27 .

    8月24日应用气管内插管和呼吸机以支持呼吸功能。8月27日 气管切开术

  • Modified percutaneous tracheotomy in the treatment of severe burns

    改良式经皮 气管切开术在严重烧伤治疗中的应用