track angle

[træk ˈæŋɡəl][træk ˈæŋɡl]


  • On the track circuit The monitoring function of phase angle is a important basis to determine whether there is a track on which is of great significance to ensure the traffic safety .

    轨道电路上,相位 的监测功能是判断铁轨上是否有列车的重要依据,对保障行车安全具有重要的意义。

  • The theory makes a system pectination to our country new period the development change of the visual angle of news At the same time The theory describes the track of The visual angle of news development change in the news practice from history lay .

    论文对我国新时期新闻视角的发展变化作了系统的梳理,从历史的层面出发描述新闻 视角在新闻实践中发展变化的 轨迹

  • Based on this the method that determine the AOA indirectly by measuring the pitch angle and estimating flight track angle is proposed . The problem of measurement of AOA in stall speed flight test of Y-7 aircraft is solved .

    本文针对这一事实提出了用直接测定姿态角加计算 航迹 间接确定飞机迎角的方法,解决了Y&7飞机失速试飞中的迎角测量问题。

  • Afterward a track angle tracking flight controller is designed for the completely non-linear characteristics of the very slow mode .

    其次对具有完全非线性特征的慢模态,设计了 航迹 跟踪指令飞行控制器。

  • In the mode of cone-beam scan and circular track the correlation between ray-projections is analyzed . Projection angle sort scheme and projection applying sort scheme on a projection angle are given .

    分析了锥束圆 轨迹扫描模式下射线间的相关性,给出了投影 视角排序方案和投影视角下的射线排序方案。

  • A pole placement controller to track the ideal angle velocity of output shaft .

    本文以汽车AMT系统的离合器接合过程为控制对象,引入Δ变换离散描述,设计极点配置控制器, 跟踪理想输出轴 速度。

  • Application of Track Performance Evaluation with the Critical Angle Sensor

    临界 传感器在 导轨性能评价中的应用

  • Based on the considerations above an NFE track initiation method is proposed from a brand-new angle and idea after a particular analysis of the data features for bistatic HFSWR .

    针对此问题,本文在对双基地高频地波雷达数据特征详尽分析的基础上,研究基于 NFE模型的 航迹起始方法。

  • The present article examines the importance of why a track and field referee should have good poise and manners from the angle of athletic aesthetics and who instances in illustration of how all this can he achieved .

    从体育美学 角度阐明了 田径裁判风度美的意义和作用,并以实例说明田径裁判实现风度美所应具备的条件、标准以及采取的方法。

  • Finally drew the real-time track chart of the plane in two systems having angle information and having no angle information . The method to get angle information from the conical-scanning stepped-frequency signal is investigated .

    最后给出了实际无源雷达上在有 角度和无角度信息两种体制下实时数据处理的飞机 目标 航迹图。介绍了频率步进圆锥扫描体制中的目标角度信息的提取方法。

  • Strengthen the use and the development of the course function of track and field from the angle of function it is a present sport important field of the educational professional course reform of track and field to found the new teaching content system of track and field .

    加强 田径课程功能的开发和利用,从功能的 角度构建新的田径教学内容体系是目前体育教育专业田径课程改革的一个重要领域。

  • Study on the Track Technique with Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Angle Error Channel

    提高 误差通道信噪比 跟踪技术的研究

  • And therefrom three formulas for calculating the coordinates of the eye movement track and the rotating angle of mandrel are given .

    从而得出了丝嘴运动 轨迹坐标和芯模 转角的计算公式。

  • Following its historical track the authors analysed the cause of its rapid development at the angle of civilization .

    本文从文化 角度,沿着中国女子 体育 运动发展的历史 轨迹,分析了中国女子 竞技体育产生跃迁的原因。

  • Finally indirect track keeping system with fuzzy bow angle solver is designed to avoid changing steer frequently and simulations are done in the tracking of straight line comb line and trapezium path .

    最后,设计间接 航迹控制系统,采用模糊航向制导方法来实时解算期望 向,避免了在期望航线附近过于频繁操舵,以直航、梳形和梯形航迹跟踪试验进行了验证分析。

  • In navigation process the moving direction of the track can be predicted by calculating the vector angle and judging the vector direction from the sectioned beeline information and the autonomous navigation is realized .

    在导航过程中,利用这些线性相关的分段直线信息,通过矢量 夹角计算和矢量方向判断的方法可以预测出前方 路径的行驶方向,从而完成自主导航。

  • Besides the traditional approach of history of thought we can discuss the root cause and track of development his transformation from the angle of sociology .

    除了传统的思想史角度外,对其具体发生的契机、转变 轨迹和流衍空间的考察,也还可以从社会学的 角度 入手

  • In order to ensure soft-landing a prescribed line of sight and angle of sight profile satisfying restriction are planned a sliding mode controller is designed to track the prescribed line of sight and angle of sight profile for safely soft-landing on surface of small asteroid .

    为了保证垂直软着陆,事先规划了满足约束的理想 视线与视线角轨迹,通过设计滑模变结构控制器 跟踪理想 轨迹,实现了在小行星表面垂直软着陆;

  • The key problem is how to precisely measure and evaluate the major technique indexes of antenna platform and its control unit especially track precision of the angle location servo loop .

    如何精确真实地检测天线平台台体和平台控制装置的主要技术指标特别是 位置伺服回路 跟踪精度时间常数等指标成为其中的关键。

  • Through calculation by means of programming the track of switching angle changing with fundamental amplitude and value of switching angle under some fundamental amplitude are obtained .

    通过编程计算,得到了开关角随基波幅值变化的 轨迹及开关 在某一基波幅值下的具体数值。

  • This paper suggests a technique not needing track correction flight that corrects space location error and reference azimuth angle error for radars when installing them in network .

    文中提出了一种对雷达网布站时产生的雷达站的空间和基准方位 误差的不需要 航校飞行的校正方法。

  • The data acquisition module consists of special signal examine modules that were designed aiming at the drive launch and control control and guide track test angle control and other equipment for each type of anti-tank missile .

    数据采集模块由针对各型反坦克导弹的驱动、发控、制导、 跟踪测角、控制等装置专用检测组合构成。

  • The system of radar antenna controller is used to control the movement of radar antenna which can realize to search capture track the targets and transfer the data of radar azimuth angle and high-low angle to computer .

    雷达天控器系统是用来控制雷达天线的运动,实现对目标的搜索、截获、 跟踪,并将天线的方位 和高低角数据传递给计算机。

  • The new calculating method of pulling track pressure angle of cam mechanism

    凸轮机构推 压力 解析新算法

  • The PLL system could obtain basic component of the input track the instantaneous phase of basic component and output instantaneous angle frequency . Thus the fundamental frequency estimation is obtained with instantaneous angle frequency .

    该方法通过一个改进锁相环系统实时 跟踪输入信号的基波瞬时相位,输出基波瞬时 频率,进而得到输入信号的基本频率估计。

  • On basis of analyzing the deficiency of traditional target system the dynamic accuracy testing target was proposed which provided the moving track and dimensional angle of simulation space target for the lab testing IR / video measurement system in the range .

    该动态精度检测靶标能够为靶场室内检测红外、电视 跟踪测量系统的跟踪性能和测量精度提供了模拟空间目标的运动 轨迹和空间 角度

  • A new approach to 3D direction well track design & the constant tool surface angle method

    三维定向井 轨道设计新方法&恒装置

  • The pitch angle program control is formed to dominate the track angle indirectly in the vertical plane while in the horizontal plane the location deviation creates the side over loading control instruction .

    在铅垂平面内通过俯仰角程序控制以间接控制 航迹 ,而在侧向平面内则由侧向位置偏差信号生成侧向过载控制指令。

  • Based on the working feature of flying shear mechanisms and considering the motion track velocity and position angle of connecting rod a multi-objective optimization model is built .

    根据飞剪剪切机构的工作特点,综合考虑连杆运动 轨迹、速度和位置 ,建立多目标优化模型。