track hold

[træk hold][træk həuld]


  • By taking fast 14-bit ADC with track / hold circuit and 16-bit microcontroller with USB interface the circuit of the spectrometer analog-digital converter is simplified and the performance is improved .

    该谱仪的模数转换器采用带 采样 保持器的14位高速ADC芯片和带USB接口的16位单片机,简化了电路,提高了性能;

  • A Track / Hold Circuit used in High - speed Pipeline ADC

    一种用于高速流水线ADC的 跟踪 保持电路

  • EU President Herman van Rompuy said Wednesday that negotiations on a rescue package for Greece are well on track and he plans to hold a summit around May10 for Eurozone leaders .

    欧盟主席范龙佩28日表示,希腊财政援助政策的商谈已步入 正轨,并计划于5月10日 召开欧元区领导人会议。

  • Although other Shanghai officials have since claimed no final decision to halt the project has been taken the relocation programme for residents whose flats were close to the planned track has been put on hold .

    尽管自那以来,其他上海官员称并没有最后决定中断这个项目,但针对拟定 轨道 线路附近居民的拆迁计划已经 搁置 下来

  • High Input Analog Bandwidth Track and Hold Amplifiers

    具有高输入模拟带宽的 跟踪 保持放大器

  • Imagine putting your holiday photos to your own sound track and being able to view it wherever you want well this is now possible to do and with the60GB version you can hold up to25 photos .

    想象一下把你自己的节日照片到健康的 轨道,它能够针对你想要到哪里,这是现在可以做的好,与你60gb版本最多可 容纳25000图片。

  • I think those Mi hole can impede an enemy a while sooner or later they will track to come over of therefore we want to hold firmly time to seek a place hide !

    我认为那些秘洞只能阻挡敌人一下子,迟早他们都会 追踪过来的,因此我们要 抓紧时间找个地方躲起来!

  • Emphases are placed on open loop S / H amplifiers high accuracy S / H amplifiers with closed loop structure ( bipolar ) total difference high-speed track / hold amplifiers ( BiCMOS ) and very high-speed S / H amplifiers ( GaAs ) .

    重点介绍开环结构的采样/保持放大器、闭环结构的高精度采样/保持放大器(双极)、全差分高速 跟踪/ 保持放大器(BiCMOS)和超高速采样/保持放大器(GaAs)的设计。

  • It also suggests that the International Track and Field Federation hold meetings to improve further the rules of track and field and judging method .

    并建议国际 田联 召开有关会议,进一步完善竞赛规则和裁判方法。

  • An overview is made on sample ( track ) / hold amplifiers .

    本文较全面地综合介绍了国外采样( 跟踪)/ 保持放大器的设计。

  • By use of CCD camera and computer image collecting system and software We can follow and track the spatial object ( feature points ) and get the 3-D coordinate from image plant automatically . This method given in this paper hold great promise in application .

    利用CCD摄相机、计算机图像采集系统及软件进行空间目标的自动 跟踪、自动实现从影像平面到三维空间的自动转换,为单相机实现三维空间 物体自动量测提供了一种新途径。

  • Each referred to as a track . Each track may have subdivisions called sectors which each hold a fixed amount of data . Disc storage offers the advantage of random access .

    每区可 贮存一定数量的数据, 磁碟贮存有随意提取的优点。