tracheal rings


  • Forty fetuses had uncompleted tracheal ring and 12 had variable degrees of tracheal stenosis related the vascular rings .

    57只先天性膈疝胎鼠中,40只有不完全的气管软环,12只有程度不等的 气管狭窄,并与异常的血管 相关。

  • Forty-eight hours later the tracheal rings were entirely covered by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium .

    48h后, 气管 全部由假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞覆盖。

  • Experiments of Tracheal Reconstruction Using Porous Titanium Rings and Free Skin Flaps ; Spiral CT and multiplanar reconstruction techniques for the diagnosis of children with atypical bronchial foreign body

    钛环外支撑游离皮片重建 气管 缺损 动物实验螺旋CT及多平面重建技术在小儿不典型支气管异物的诊断价值

  • Six hours after removal of 5-FU the tracheal rings were covered with flattened epithelium .

    去除 5-FU6h后,由扁平上皮覆盖;

  • Methods : By measuring the force of guinea pig isolated tracheal rings we observed both relaxing effect of Sco and interactions between Sco and histamine ( His ) acetylcholine ( Ach ) or propranolol ( Pro ) on isolated TSM .

    方法:制备豚鼠离 体气 标本,通过测定其张力变化,观察Sco对离体 气管 平滑肌的舒张作用及与组胺(His)、乙酰胆碱(Ach)、普萘洛尔(Pro)之间的相互作用。

  • Objective To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of the cervical tracheal reconstruction using porous titanium rings and free skin flaps .

    结论 钛环可重建 气管 支架,游离皮片可作为 气管 粘膜 替代 ,是 气管 重建的简便方法。