topological entropy


  • The relationship between topological entropy and distributional chaos is discussed here .

    研究了树上一般连续 映射 与分布混沌的关系。

  • Topological Entropy of the Two-Class Mappings on the Symbolic space

    符号空间上的两类映射的 拓扑

  • With calculating the Lyapunov exponent of motive orbits of these maps we study topological entropy 's varying law as the stochastic parameter .

    通过计算映射的运动轨道的Lyapunov指数,研究了二维保面积映射的 拓扑 随不可积参数变化的规律。

  • As we know the topological entropy is used to measure the complexity of dynamical systems .

    我们知道, 拓扑 用来衡量一个动力系统的复杂程度。

  • By means of the kneading theory of symbolic dynamics the topological entropy of bimodal maps is calculated .

    利用符号动力学的揉理论,讨论双峰映射 拓扑 的计算。

  • On the Topological Entropy of Homotopy Class for Maps

    关于映射同伦类的 拓扑

  • The Topological Entropy of Monotone Maps on Circles

    圆周上单调映射的 拓扑

  • Unstable Manifolds Nonwandering Sets and Topological Entropy of Tree Maps

    树映射的不稳定流形,非游荡集与 拓扑

  • The set of chain equivalent points and topological entropy of a tree map

    树映射的链等价集与 拓扑

  • On Topological Entropy and Chaotic Set of One-dimensional Continuous Map

    一维连续映射的 拓扑 和紊动集

  • For the eventually periodic kneading pair of significance the analytic expression of the kneading determinant for determining its topological entropy is presented .

    对于具有重要意义的终周期揉序列对,给出了决定其 拓扑 的揉行列式的解析表达式。

  • In this paper the global regularities of fractal dimensions and topological entropy in one-dimensional maps are studied by using the method of symbolic dynamics .

    本文运用符号动力学方法,研究了一维映射中分维和 拓扑 的整体规则性。

  • A few properties of topological entropy on compact space

    紧空间上 拓扑 的几个性质

  • As a consequence we get that each pointwise periodic map has zero topological entropy .

    作为推论还得到,逐点周期映射有零 拓扑

  • The notion of adic attractor is introduced . For a continuous interval map with nadic attractor the paper proves that the condition that n is not a power of 2 is sufficient but not necessary for the map to have positive topological entropy .

    对于一个具有n-进位吸引子的区间连续映射,证明了:n不是2的方幂是该映射具有正 拓扑 的充分条件但不是必要条件;

  • On the Variational Principle for the Topological Entropy of Non-compact Set

    非紧集上的 拓扑 及其变分原理

  • The Relation Between Elevation of Equivalence Relation Elevation of Distance Hypertopology Quotient Topology and Topological Entropy .

    等价关系和距离的提升与超拓扑,商拓扑, 拓扑 间的关系。

  • The research conducted in this paper solves the symbolic structure of the devil 's carpet and the metrization of the plateau of an equal topological entropy class ( ETEC ) and presents the symbolic description and visual realization of equal entropy fractals .

    本研究解决了 拓扑 魔毯的符号结构和等 拓扑 类平台的度量刻划;获得了等熵分形的符号刻划及直观实现。

  • The usually used criteria of chaos in physics and engineering are boundedness of solutions and the existence of positive Lyapunov exponents or positive topological entropy .

    物理和工程上常用的混沌判据是其有界性并存在正的Lyapunov指数或正的 拓扑

  • Strongly Hyperbolic Structure and Topological Entropy

    强双曲构造与 拓扑

  • Moreover based on the idea of relative topological entropy pairs the notion of relative uniformly positive entropy and relative completely positive entropy extensions is introduced . Some basic properties and the finite production is studied .

    同时,基于相对 拓扑 对的思想,我们引入了相对一致正熵扩充和相对完全正熵扩充,讨论了它们的基本性质和有限乘积。

  • In the present paper we discuss the relation between the set of unilateral 7-limit points and the attracting centre of a tree map and obtain a few equivalent conditions which a tree map has positive topological entropy .

    本文讨论了树映射的单侧γ-极限点集与吸引中心的关系,得到了树映射具有正 拓扑 的几个等价条件。

  • Smooth Integrable Geodesic Flows with Positive Topological Entropy

    具有正 拓扑 的光滑可积测地流

  • A maybe unexpected byproduct of the study of uniformly entropy point is that in each dynamical system there exists a countable closed subset such that its topological entropy equals the topological entropy of the origin system .

    一致熵点研究的一个也许有点惊奇的副产品是:每个动力系统里存在一个可数闭子集,使得它的 拓扑 等于整个系统的拓扑熵。

  • Topological Entropy and a Direct Bifurcation of Triangular Maps of the n-Cube

    n&方体上的三角形映射的 拓扑 及分歧

  • In this paper we study the set of sequences of topological entropy zero in the symbolic space .

    本文研究符号空间中由零 拓扑 序列组成的集合。

  • Moreover a method to estimate the infimum of Lipschitz constants by means of topological entropy is given .

    另外,本文还给出了一个由 拓扑 来估计Lipschitz常数下确界的方法。

  • Lower Bound of Topological Entropy of Coordinate Self-maps on k-Dimension Torus

    k维环面上坐标自映射下 拓扑 的一个下界

  • An elementary exploration of the fractal characteristic of the topological entropy flow on the devil 's carpet is also carried out . Based on these a classification of all admissible sequences in the complete topological space Σ _3 of three letters is suggested .

    本文还对魔毯上 拓扑 流的分形特征进行了初步探讨,并对完备三符号拓扑空间∑3中的所有可允序列提出了一种分类方案。